Reformation Anniversary Event: Good Shepherd member, Professor Wanda Deifelt, will be our guest preacher and presenter on Sunday, February 5. Professor Deifelt is a scholar of Martin Luther and serves on the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity. She will offer an Adult Forum on February 5 as well.
Wanda Deifelt has been a professor in the Luther College Religion Department since 2004, focusing on the topics of Luther and Lutheranism, Creation, and Christology.
She achieved her Ph.D. and Masters of Theological Studies at Joint Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and Northwestern University Doctoral Program (Evanston, Illinois) and her Bachelor of Arts at Faculdade de Teologia, Escola Superior de Teologica, (Sao Leopoldo, Brazil). She also achieved her Th.D. Honoris Causa at the University of Olso (Olso, Norway).