Sunday, December 16 – Facilities Improvement Committee Forum

THE FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE now proposes moving ahead with both the HVAC-heating, venting, air conditioning- system (utilizing a geo field and heat pumps) and the building remodel in the summer of 2019. This would allow us to reduce inefficiencies of doing the projects over two summers and to take advantage of rebates that may expire. They feel confident we can do this because we have the opportunity to take a zero interest, 24 month loan for the HVAC system.

Please join the committee to hear about the final remodel and HVAC plan at a forum on Sunday, December 16. We will have a congregational meeting on Sunday, January 6 to vote on moving ahead with this plan. If a final plan is approved, a funding proposal will be part of the budget process at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 4.

Please read more about this in the December newsletter.