Print versions of Good Shepherd’s web-based Directory, ‘hot off the press’ in mid-December, are provided at no charge to those who do not have email addresses and internet access. Copies also are available to anyone upon request. A free-will donation of $5.00 is welcome.
The print version of the Directory, inserted in a plastic report cover, is in three parts: 1) Color photo pages with captions; 2) Contact information in alphabetical order; and 3) Birthday List arranged by months and days of the year. Directory updates will be published in Good Shepherd’s monthly newsletters for the use of those with print versions.

Contact Jeri Laursen by phone or email (563-382-5069; if: You have updates for your entry; wish to receive a copy of the print version; or need any help with the web version. The New Directory Project is complete! The Ad Hoc Directory Committee has ‘gone out of business’; Directory issues have become part of the duties of the Communications Subcommittee.