All are invited to the “Welcome Friends & Neighbors Community Picnic” hosted by Good Shepherd on Sunday, September 15 from 5-6:30 p.m. It is free and open to all! A meal of hot dogs, chips, salads, and desserts will be enjoyed outside under the Solar Panel Canopy or indoors in the Fellowship Hall. There will be games for kids and the opportunity to gather with those in the local community.
This event is powered by volunteers! Please sign-up HERE for a way to get involved that works for you, and get in touch with Erica in the office with any questions or concerns. We look forward to gathering together with you soon!
Explanations for the volunteer roles:
All Food/Drink donations:
- When signing up please add comments about what you will be making in the “Comment” box as able
- Please bring to the Church kitchen by 4:30 on Sunday the 15th with a serving utensil
- Label all dishes and serving utensils with your name so they make it back to you
- Please label any dietary notes (GF, V, Dairy free, etc.) as applicable. Note cards will be available in the GS Kitchen.
Sunday Setup:
- Outdoor:
- Assemble rectangle tables and chairs along courtyard perimeter with tables & chairs from the annex.
- Cover tables in tablecloths.
- Place flowers on tables.
- Indoor:
- Help set the drinks, desserts, and salads/sides tables.
- Place flowers on tables.
Greeter at Nametag Table – depending on line length, walk the line/go to the end and welcome people there as well.
- Greet folks and invite them to put on a name tag.
- Keep a tally of people that come (as able – it’s ok if its a rough estimate)
- Most likely also help direct folks to the restroom as needed.
- Set up “Welcome to Good Shepherd” cards at the welcome table by the name tags
Beverage Maker:
- Make coffee & decaf coffee before picnic and at least 1 time throughout as needed.
Food Helper: 4:30-5:30 Slot
- Make sure dishes/utensils are labeled with the person’s name when they drop items off and there are dietary labels as appropriate (GF, DF, V, etc.)
- Help stock the serving tables as folks drop things off (dessert, drink, and side/chips tables)
Food Helper: 5:30-6:30 Slot
- Help keep the serving tables stocked with food from the kitchen. Take out empty dishes and utensils and rinse them.
Drink Server: 5-6:30
- Serve drinks/fill cups at the drink table
- Can split the time between 2 people (5-5:45, 5:45-6:30) if wanted
Assist with Carrying Food to tables: 5-6:30
- During the event float around the serving stations offering to help as you see needed. Can split the time between 2 people (5-5:45, 5:45-6:30) if wanted
- Set out and maintain plates, napkins, silverware, and cups on the table. We will be using all disposable products.
- Set up recycling and trash bins from the kitchen outside in places you think appropriate and place full bags in the large outdoor bins by the Annex. Replace trash bags with new ones found under the kitchen sink.
Kids Game Leader & Helpers
- Help participate/lead games! Set out balls, bubbles, chalk, etc. Supplies available from the Office.
Hot Dog Roaster
- Heat hotdogs in the oven then place in roasters in the FH serving window.
Kitchen Cleanup
- Kitchen clean up should be happening throughout the event as possible
- Clean up kitchen as needed help with any food related cleaning/storing/labeling.
- As much as possible, food and dishes should be taken home by the people that brought them.
Cleanup Outdoors & indoors
- Gather tablecloths & centerpieces, wipe off tables,
- Outdoors only: help take down extra tables & chairs and return them to the Annex.
- Walk through and pick up any garbage/trash in the yard.
- Vacuum FH