
Good Shepherd Landscaping


Good Shepherd’s large lawn area, a former sheep pasture, is tended by the congregation’s Lawn Maintenance Crew organized by the Facilities and Grounds Committee. The design and care of the planted areas are overseen by the Landscape Subcommittee.

The Good Shepherd property is a little less than 2.5 acres which includes the buildings and parking lot.  Without the buildings and parking, the property is closer to 2 acres.  This does not include the city boulevard (about another 10th of an acre).  

Landscaped Areas

The Good Shepherd landscaped areas are planted with a combination of perennials mulched with bark and/or river rock.  Pollinator plants (Blazingstar, Butterfly Weed, Coreopsis, Lobelia, Bergamot, and Coneflowers) are planted in some beds.  Four large entryway pots and four planters surrounding the Solar Courtyard provide an assortment of bright annuals from late spring through summer and evergreens throughout the winter season.  Funds for landscape renewal and maintenance come from the congregation budget and member donations.   

Two landscaped beds are deserving of special mention.  In 2007, a garden of perennial plantings was installed in the grounds on the south side of the church and around the periphery of the property. The plantings were given by congregation member Bob Wilson in memory of his wife, Lynette, longtime choir director. In 2017 The Good Shepherd Reformation Grove was planted with over 45 trees and shrubs in honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation that year.  The site plan was designed by Landscape Designer Scott Hervey and was funded by The Depot Outlet, Trees Forever in association with Black Hills Energy, congregation donations and memorials, and Sunday School children and youth.

Good Shepherd Garden

The garden is a fenced area at the back of the property planted for the use of congregation members.  The garden provides the congregants with fresh, organic garden produce and flowers for the Sanctuary. Congregants typically make cash donations for this produce; those donations are given directly to the Decorah Community Food Pantry.

Art and Artifacts

Art and Artifacts existing on the exterior of the Good Shepherd building are described in the following document.

Art and Artifacts











Good Shepherd Vegetable Garden