Mark your calendars for these upcoming adult forums.
September 8
Intergenerational RALLY DAY Sunday, September 8 marks the beginning of a new year for both Sunday School and Adult Forum. This year we will have a Good Shepherd Prayer Share in the fellowship hall after church. This will be an opportunity for members of our congregation to share a favorite prayer, perhaps one learned as a child.
Sept. 15
John R. Jefferson, Professor of Chemistry, Luther College, will talk about “The Promise of Stem Cells.” Stem cells hold a great deal of promise for regenerative medicine. But realizing this potential will require a more complete understanding of the genetic read more at programs that regulate their function, so that they can be safe to use. This talk will answer some basic questions concerning the origin, applications, and controversies surrounding this new type of medicine.
Sept. 22
Hans Becklin, senior, pre-seminary student at Luther College (who worships at Good Shepherd occasionally) will give a presentation on “Salvation in the Details: The Predestination Controversy and late 19th Century Religious Art in the Local Context.” The speaker will be considering Norwegian and American illustrated bibles, works by Gausta and the religious atmosphere in Decorah around the turn of the century.
Sept. 29
Lyle Otte will discuss “Stewardship of The Land: The Cases of Frack-Sand Mining and CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations).