Sunday School Children Quilt Displayed


Recently the quilt given to Pr. Joan Mau on the occasion of her retirement in 2014 from Good Shepherd, was hung outside the Sanctuary.  The quilt was created by appliqueing hand shapes of the Sunday School children on to a backing and then quilting the entire piece.  Names of the children are embroidered into the quilt.

Adult Forums for February

imagesThe schedule for Adult Forums for February is as follows:

February 14 – Meeting of the March Ministry Team with conveners Reg and Jeri Laursen and Pr. Amy in the Narthex.

February 21 – Technology at Good Shepherd: Connecting and Reaching Out
Good Shepherd is richly blessed by a great website, social media sites (Facebook and Google+) and an online directory. How can you access these resources to connect to your congregation?  This workshop is for beginners to veterans alike to talk together about how we can best use the gifts of technology to strengthen our congregational life and outreach. Bring your smart phone, tablet or laptop for assistance.

February 28 – Reflections on Travels in the Holy Land Marilyn Anderson and Jane Kemp will share their reflections about their January trip to the Holy Land.


Coming to Our Senses: Returning to God


Pastor Amy and January Intern Makayla Marinack have created a daily devotional series for this Lenten season called “Coming to Our Senses: Returning to God; an Invitation to Prayer.”  The devotions in the booklet start with Ash Wednesday and the days immediately following (February 10-13).  The remaining devotions are organized around the five senses: Touch (February 14-20); Sight (February 21-27);  Taste (February 28-March 5); Hearing (March 6-12); and, Smell (March 13-19).  Additional devotions are included for Holy Week (March 20-27).   A link to the booklet is below:

Coming to our Senses Devotional booklet

All are Welcome at Ash Wednesday Services


Ash Wednesday Worship will be held February 10 at 7:00 pm. We will share in Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes.  For this special service, Don and Barbara Berg have created ashes from last year’s palms.  Pastor Amy will wear the new purple stole Barbara wove for her to wear during the Lenten season. Barbara wove the stole utilizing the same yarns used in the altar and pulpit paraments.

Lenten Season Traditions and Liturgical Colors

The 40-day season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 10. IMG_1632The liturgical color is purple in remembrance of the royalty of Christ who reigns from the cross.  The gates, altar and pulpit paraments, pastor’s stole, and entry door wreaths will change to purple.  A purple cloth is draped over our shepherd’s cross during this season.

Lent lasts 40 days as did other significant biblical events such as the flood of Noah, Moses’ visit with God on Sinai, Elijah’s walk to the mountain of God, and Jesus’ temptation in the desert.  The overall tone is typically a time of restraint when the congregation does not sing “Alleluia” during the liturgy and minimizes decorations such as flowers in the sanctuary.