Sermon for Sunday, November 7, 2021 – “Tender Tears”

All Saints Sunday
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Decorah, Iowa
Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Click here to read scripture passages for the day.

Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.

Our readings today are awash in tears, so fitting for this day when we remember our beloved dead. In these readings we hear that God honors our tears and promises to tenderly wipe them from our eyes. God shares our tears – Jesus stands at the grave of his friend Lazarus and weeps. And God promises a future without tears. Mourning and crying and pain will be no more, and all peoples will feast at God’s banquet.

That phrase, all peoples, is key. God’s promise of a future without tears is not just for a few, it is for everyone. Isaiah stresses that by using the word all four times. God will make “for all peoples a feast of rich food”, God will “destroy the shroud [of death] cast over all peoples”, “the sheet spread over all nations”, God will “wipe away the tears from all faces.” In God’s promised future there will be no us and them, no separations, no divisions. We will all be healed together. We will all feast together.

We need this vision to give us hope in all times, especially in this difficult time for our country. There is so much anger, hatred, and violence right now. How can we live faithfully and hopefully amidst all of this? How can we be a healing presence in our world and live out our identities as saints of God?

Perhaps we need to take a cue from our readings today and focus on the tears. Perhaps we need to pay attention to the pain within us and within other people. God takes our tears seriously, maybe we should as well. This is not easy. Our culture is so often uncomfortable with strong emotions. We push them away. We try to put on a happy face. We stay busy. We choose to respond with contempt and cynicism rather than working with and through the deeper emotions of anger, fear, grief, and sorrow.

Jesus shows us a different way. He is real with his emotions at Lazarus’ tomb. He weeps. He’s greatly disturbed and deeply moved. He feels it all. He brings it to God in prayer. This glimpse of Jesus reminds me of a man I went to visit recently. He shared all his pain and frustration about the world with me. He didn’t try to pretend everything was fine. He didn’t remain polite or on the surface of things. He questioned why he was feeling all of this. He was honest and real and raw, like the Psalmists are. We talked and then we prayed about it all. It was a holy time. As I left, he apologized for ranting. Yet he was a witness to me of how to work with strong emotions. Acknowledge them, listen to them, name them, remain curious, and bring them to God in prayer. Healing can happen when we pay attention to our own tears, to our own grief and pain.

Healing can also happen as we pay attention to the pain of others. Recently I was convicted by a New York Times story about the pain of many who are unvaccinated.[1] I often feel angry about people who are not getting vaccinated against COVID. I don’t understand. Many people I love have gotten sick because others are not vaccinated. Yet there is more to it than I realized. There are stories about people like Josie and Tom Burko, a married couple who died from COVID within days of each other, leaving behind an 8-year-old daughter. They hadn’t taken the pandemic lightly. They wanted to be vaccinated but Josie had a heart murmur and chronic diabetes and worried about an adverse reaction. Tom had muscular atrophy and similar worries. They were afraid and so had not yet gotten vaccinated.

There are so many similar COVID deathbed stories. People are concerned, confused, and afraid. It’s easy to say that people should be more informed or seek advice from a medical provider, except many of the people who are unvaccinated have no health care provider. Many do not have health insurance. Many live in rural health care deserts. Many people, especially people of color, have numerous reasons to distrust the medical system in our country.

Recently in the Atlantic, Dr. Elaine Batchlor wrote about why she can’t persuade her 93-year-old black mother to get a vaccine.[2] Just a few years ago, at the ER, her mother passed out after screaming in agony when her broken arm got manipulated and X-rayed without sufficient care for her pain. This experience fits a larger pattern. Black people are much less likely to be given pain medication or even treatment for life-threatening emergencies. These experiences on top of traumas in very recent history like the Tuskegee experiment have led to such pain and distrust.

If we are to bring healing to our divided country, we need to hear and honor these stories. We need to remain curious, open, and humble in the face of such sorrow. Of course, staying with our own and other’s pain is not easy. We can feel so very exposed and raw. It’s tempting to fight back the tears, to defend ourselves from the discomfort, to shut others out or attack them so we can have some illusion of control. So, we need more than a focus on our own and other’s tears. We also need God’s presence, God’s care and God’s promises.

And Beloved, God is so very present with us through Jesus. Jesus knows about deep grief, he wept for his friend. He knows the power of fear. He saw it in Lazarus’ sisters who worried how they would survive in their patriarchal culture without their brothers’ support. Jesus knows about anger and divisiveness. Some of the people gathered at the tomb sneered, “Why didn’t Jesus pre- vent Lazarus from dying, he healed the blind man after all.” Soon after Jesus raised Lazarus, this anger boiled over into a plot to kill both Lazarus and Jesus. Jesus experienced all of this and continued to choose the way of love and vulnerability. He did not defend himself or attack others, he gave himself in love.

And now the risen Jesus is here amidst all the pain of this time. He is present to give himself in love to you today. Here at this table, Jesus meets you to tend to your tears, to feed you with his love. Jesus gives you a foretaste of the feast to come in which all people will be gathered at the heavenly banquet.

You are not alone as you face the fear, anger, and sorrow of this world.
God is right there with you in it all.
God honors your tears – you can remain open to the pain of others.
God wipes away your tears – you can be a healing presence in the world.
God promises a future where tears will be no more – you can live with hope today and always.

Let’s take a moment for silent prayer.




Sermon for Reformation Sunday, October 31, 2021 – “We Shall Love”

Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Decorah, Iowa
Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Click here to read scripture passages for the day.

Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Really? This shall happen? How?

Some days it takes all our heart, soul, mind and strength just to get out of bed and face the day. It takes a lot to even be pleasant to others, especially before coffee. The news of the world is so disheartening. The challenges can feel insurmountable. We aren’t sure we can even trust God in these times, much less love. And, there are a lot of people who are really, really hard to love right now in this polarized time.

So, how are we supposed to love God and other people with our whole selves? I imagine the first people to hear these love commands probably wondered the same thing. These commands are given to God’s people as they are wandering in the desert, after God has led them out of slavery.They‘ve been oppressed by Egypt for generations. They are surrounded by enemies. God has promised to bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey, yet they struggle to trust that. They grumble against God and argue with one another.

As they wander in the desert, God instructs Moses to tell them, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” And as they are preparing to enter the promised land, Moses says to the people, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” These seem like really big asks. The people don’t even say thank you for the manna God sends to feed them in the desert. Yet God expects them to jump in with both feet to love God and other people wholeheartedly?

Maybe God should have more realistic expectations: Like, “Be nice, don’t hit, clean up after yourself”. Those seem like more reasonable commands for these difficult people, more reasonable for us.

We, too, are wandering in the wilderness – so much about life these days is uncertain and fright- ening. We as a species are so often unkind, violence is all around us, we leave mess and destruc-tion in our wake. How can God really expect us to love wholeheartedly in this wilderness? And yet, what a relief it would be, what a joy it would be to love with our whole selves – to devote our hearts, minds, and strength to loving God and God’s ways of love. What peace we would know if we could all love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. What a glorious world this would be.

God longs for us to know the joy of living in the way of love. God longs for us to know a world where love reigns. And so, God commands us to love. God sets the bar high: love with all you’ve got, with all you are. But God doesn’t just command love and say, “alright, good luck with that.” God begins by loving us completely, fully, wholeheartedly with all of God’s self. This is a key witness of Martin Luther, of reformers of the church: That the commands of God are gifts of a gracious God and that we live them out only by the grace and love of God. God acts first to love us, to make love a possibility for us.

God also gives us the words of scripture, commands and promises that teach us to love. We are instructed to place these words upon our hearts, the ancient rabbis taught, so that when our hearts break with the pain of the world, God’s word of love will fall into our hearts. Then our hearts will be broken open to more fully love the world rather than shattering into pieces that harm others.

So, the pain of the world doesn’t have to prevent us from loving. Instead, with God’s word of love the pain of the world can open us to love more.

Most importantly, God enters into the wilderness with us in Jesus. God, in Jesus, shares all of the pain and struggle of our lives. And Jesus gives of his whole self, his very life, in love for us. When we are loved so deeply, so thoroughly, then loving wholeheartedly becomes a possibility for us, a life-giving and healing possibility.

As author Fredrick Buechner writes, “You shall love the Lord your God” becomes, in the end, less a command than a promise. You shall love. And, he writes, the promise is that, yes, on the weary feet of faith and the fragile wings of hope, we will come to love [God] at last, as from the first [God] has loved us—loved us even in the wilderness, especially in the wilderness, because [God] has been in the wilderness with us. [God] has been in the wilderness for us. [God] has been acquainted with our grief. And, loving [God], we will come at last to love each other too.”

Buechner continues, quoting Deuteronomy, our first reading today, “And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. And rise we shall, out of the wilderness, every lastone of us, even as out of the wilderness Christ rose before us. That is the promise, and the greatest of all promises.”[1]

Beloved, you are loved, God is with you.
You will rise again and again from the wilderness to love God and love others
That is a promise.

Let’s take a moment for silent prayer.

[1] Buechner, Frederick. Secrets in the Dark: A Life in Sermons. Harper Collins: 2017, p. 154.

Thank You and Ordination Service Recording from Amalia Vagts and David Lester

Dear Good Shepherd Family, 

We are absolutely overwhelmed by the support and time that our congregation gave to support this past weekend’s ordination and the years leading up to it. We are deeply grateful to all of you who were able to offer specific gifts before, during, and after the service. A special word of thanks to Pastor Amy and Brooke for your leadership.This is a remarkable congregation – the one where David was first welcomed as a new Lutheran and where my call to word and sacrament ministry was ignited. Our hearts are filled with a joy that we take with us to our Tucson and Our Saviour’s Lutheran. Thank you for the stunning stole made by Barbara Berg and given as a gift from the congregation. Thank you to all who helped, who served, who came, who watched, who prayed, and who hear and follow Christ’s call to live with love, mercy, and grace for all people. Come see us at Our Saviour’s! 

With peace & joy, 
Amalia & David

Photo by Parker Deen

Sermon for Sunday, October 24, 2021- “Healed in Community”

Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Decorah, Iowa
Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Click here to read scripture passages for the day.

Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.

Bartimaeus is crying out for healing and others are trying to silence him.He is hurting, pleading for help, yet the crowd sternly orders him to be quiet.

I wonder why. Are they embarrassed by how desperate Bartimaeus sounds? Maybe they’re uncomfortable that a beggar they’ve overlooked for so long is now making a scene. Do they wonder if he should even bother, will Jesus really help him?

Maybe Bartimaeus is not the only one in need of healing here. When have you felt like him – longing for healing, for change, for help? How have people around you responded? When have you felt like the crowd around Bartimaeus – uncomfortable with someone else’s desperation, pretty sure pleas for help won’t change anything?

This week, as I prayed with this story I was reminded of a time when I was embarrassed by a man’s cries for healing, when I almost tried to silence him. I was a chaplain intern in a hospital after my first year of seminary. I was called to the room of a man who was dying of a brain tumor. He and his wife were praying for physical healing, for God to remove the tumor. They wanted me to join them. But the doctors and social worker were concerned that this couple was in denial. They wanted him to agree to hospice care and worried that if I prayed for healing, it would just prolong his denial and suffering.

The team was really persuasive. I also felt much more comfortable with them than I did with this strange couple. Their worldview, piety, and economic status was so very different from my own. I didn’t want the medical team to think I was like those Christians. And I didn’t really think God was going to heal this guy’s brain tumor. Thankfully my chaplaincy supervisor was wise. “What might healing look like in this situation?”, she wondered. And, “If you don’t pray with them for healing will you be able to help them recognize the healing God does provide?” So, we prayed. We prayed for physical healing, for a miracle. We prayed a lot. I jumped in with both feet and prayed hard. Two weeks later, the man died. I didn’t want to see the medical team that day.

Two months later, his wife came to find me at the hospital to tell me she was starting to see that there had been healing. As he was dying, she and her husband both felt so close to God. They felt God’s presence with them in powerful ways. And she was starting to see that he had experienced the healing of a peaceful death. I almost got in the way of that experience for them. I almost missed seeing God’s healing power at work. I, too, needed some serious help and healing. God worked through others to change my heart and open my eyes.

A similar thing happens in this story with Bartimaeus. The crowd around him needs healing. He’s the one who is physically blind, but they are unable to really see him, to recognize his humanity. They’re unable to see Jesus for who he is – the very face of God’s justice and compassion. I love how Jesus responds. He stands still, taking it all in. Then he asks the crowd to call Bartimaeus to him. He asks the very people silencing Bartimaeus to acknowledge him and be part of his healing. And, as author Debie Thomas points out, “Once the crowd sees Bartimaeus, they can’t unsee him. Once Jesus opens their eyes to his full humanity, they must respond with compassion. [They say to him] ‘Take heart; get up; he is calling you.’”[1] In this way, Jesus heals not only Bartimaeus but also the crowd. He heals their spiritual blindness.

We all have such need for healing in our bodies and spirits, our relationships, and communities. And God does heal us. Sometimes there is physical healing. I can’t explain it and don’t understand it, but sometimes it happens. Yet we experience healing in so many other ways as well. Healing happens when God directs our attention to the cries of people we have overlooked, when we realize that our own healing is connected to the well-being of others.

Healing happens in Christian community when we find we can come as we are with all our pain and brokenness. If you are like Bartimaeus longing for change, If you are like the crowd unsure that anything can change, there is a place for you. You don’t need to have it all together, you don’t need to be living your best life now. You are a valued member of the body of Christ just as you are.

Healing also happens as we pray. Prayer turns us toward our God who sees and hears us, and is so very close to us. Prayer points us to needs beyond ourselves and to a love far greater than our own. Prayer shapes us to be people who work for mercy, healing, and justice in the world. It isn’t always easy to pray when we’ve cried to God for so long and don’t feel like anything has changed, when we have no more words left, when God feels absent.

That’s why we gather for worship. It’s why we join congregations. In worship, in community others can pray on our behalf when we are too tired, sad, angry. In worship, we also experience the Holy Spirit, the One who intercedes for us, who prays for us with sighs too deep for words. When all you can do is sigh, know that the Spirit is praying within you.

In worship and Christian community, we also encounter people we might prefer to silence or ig- nore. We get to practice seeing and honoring those we find difficult so that we can do that out in the world.

In all of these ways and more, God heals us. Today, God sees you, and hears you, and heals you.

Let’s take a moment for silent prayer.

[1] Debie Thomas, “Let Me See Again”, Journey with Jesus.


Sermon for Sunday, October 17, 2021 – Sermon by Rev. Dr. Rolf Svanoe

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Decorah, Iowa
Rev. Dr. Rolf Svanoe, guest preacher

 Gospel – Mark 10:35-45

Good morning. I’m glad to be with you this morning to give Pastor Amy a break. She performed  a wedding in Dubuque yesterday. I know she will be back for Amalia’s ordination. My wife  Kimberly and I moved to Decorah two years ago. We moved from Harmony, Minnesota, where I  served a church for five years. I’ve been retired one year but have been doing a lot of supply  preaching in area churches. We will be joining Good Shepherd next week along with other new  members. We love this church, its mission and its leadership, and we feel a warm welcome  here. And, when I learned that my Uncle and Aunt were charter members back in 1958, I knew  that this would be our new church home. 

When people join a church, they often do so with an affirmation of baptism. We say “yes” to  the covenant God made with us when we were baptized. There are five things that characterize  that baptismal covenant, five things we do as members of Christ’s church. 

  • To live among God’s faithful people
  • To hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper
  • To proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed
  • To serve all people, following the example of Jesus
  • And to strive for justice and peace in all the earth

I want to specifically focus on the fourth statement-to serve all people, following the example  of Jesus. It fits well with our Gospel text where Jesus said, “The Son of Man came not to be  served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus came to be a servant. And  calls us to be servants too, as we follow him. 

Let’s explore the context of Jesus’ words. In Mark’s Gospel, this is now the third time that Jesus  has told his disciples that he will die in Jerusalem. The growing popularity of his movement was  seen as a threat to the ruling authorities and a challenge to their power. They were intent on  getting rid of him. But each time Jesus told his disciples about his impending death, they just  didn’t get it. In our Gospel reading today, James and John are oblivious to Jesus’ words. They  came to Jesus with a request. Jesus, when you gain power in the new kingdom God is bringing  about, may we sit at your right and left hand? May we have positions of power and authority? I  imagine that in the quiet conversations between the two of them, they had visions of  great- ness, wealth and power. Once again, Jesus had to explain how this is not the way it works  in God’s coming reign. The world values greatness, wealth and power. Plenty of tyrants and  dictators promise to make their countries great by seducing people with promises of power and  wealth. But Jesus said that this is not how God works in the world. “Whoever wishes to  become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you  must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his  life a ransom for many.” Jesus identifies greatness with humble service and using God’s  blessings to help others, especially the hurting and the poor.

How many of you like to be servants? How many of you would rather have people serve you?  We grow up in homes with parents who basically serve us and take care of our needs. As  children, we get used to the idea of someone serving us- our parents. But one thing parents  need to teach their children is the importance of serving others. Somehow in the process of  growing up we need to learn that the world does not revolve around us. We need to learn  compassion and empathy for others. We need to become sensitive to others’ needs and be  motivated to help them. How does that happen?

We all know about the need to do service for others. Schools and churches are including service  hours into their programs. They know the benefit of this kind of learning outside the classroom.  But when parents and children serve together, something really special can happen.

Let me give you an example. The first year Gary went on a Hunger Walk, his mother pulled him  in his red wagon. He was only three, after all. The next year, he walked some and rode in his  wagon part of the way. If asked, he would tell you that he was walking so people wouldn’t be  hungry. When he was five, Gary and his mother wrote to family members and special friends,  asking them to pledge for their walk. Gary signed the letter too. When he was ten, Gary knew more about hunger in the world, and he was concerned about children around the world who  go to bed hungry. He never failed to pray for hungry people in his bedtime prayers. Gary hoped that by the time he is a parent, there won’t have to be Hunger Walks.

Here is the point: When service and faith are integrated in an event where parents and children  are serving together, children learn what the parents are role modeling. That can have huge  benefits for a family. When you and your family serve you may see others with much greater  problems than yours. It gives you a new appreciation for what you have. But it also gives you a  different perspective on the problems in your family. Your problems may not seem so bad in  comparison. Serving can also help grow a sense of compassion and empathy toward others, and  that will impact how siblings treat each other. It decreases our selfishness and the notion that  life is all about me and my desires. Serving as a family allows parents to model positive  character traits like compassion and selflessness. Serving together helps children, especially  teenagers, recognize they are not the center of the universe. Serving as a family is associated  with higher rates of education, lower rates of alcohol and drug abuse, reduced misbehavior,  and enhanced family unity. Serving as a family is the perfect opportunity to spend quality time  together while making a difference in your community and the world.

Former President Jimmy Carter’s house building work with Habitat for Humanity is well-known.  Habitat for Humanity founder, Millard Fuller, once visited a Habitat house, which Carter had  personally helped to build. As he drove up to the house, he spoke with a little boy, six years old  or so, who was playing in the front yard. Fuller said to the boy, “You have a pretty house.” After  a few more moments’ conversation, he asked the boy, “I want to ask you a question. Who built  your house?” Millard thought that the boy would say, “Jimmy Carter.” Instead, he replied,  “Jesus.” When we work humbly on behalf of those who are poor and needy, we truly are  work- ing with the hands of Jesus himself. “God’s work, our hands.”

When you hear leaders promising to make us great, keep these words of Jesus in mind.  “Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant. And whoever wishes to  be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to  serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.” How do we measure greatness? According to  Jesus, we measure greatness by humble service to those in need. We serve because Jesus has  first served us. Through his death and resurrection, he has served us completely by revealing  the love and forgiveness of God for us and for all people.