Sermon for Sunday, November 28, 2021 – “Jarring Hope”

First Sunday of Advent
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Decorah, Iowa
Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Click here to read scripture passages for the day.

Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus, our hope.

The sounds and images in today’s reading would be jarring anytime. They seem especially out of place during the “holiday season” when we’re longing for comfort and joy. We don’t expect to be confronted with distress among nations, roaring seas, or people fainting with fear and foreboding.

Well, not in church at least. We get enough of that stuff on the news and social media. Can’t church be tender and peaceful, especially right now?

We’ll get there. We’ll get tidings of comfort and joy soon. We’ll get to the story of baby Jesus com- ing to make God’s love known. Yet even that story is not just tender and sweet. It’s a story that should be quite jarring, especially to those of us who are comfortable and privileged.

God’s messenger tells a young, unwed mother that she will give birth to God’s child. This child, Jesus, is born to poor migrants who have to seek shelter in a barn. King Herod gets word that a child has been born who is to be king of the Jews, and he is threatened. So, he orders the killing of all babies under age two. Jesus’ family must flee to Egypt and seek asylum there.

Jesus grows up poor under the oppressive Roman Empire. In his teaching and ministry he rebukes the wealthy and the powerful, yet he persists in showing God’s love to all people, even Rome’s tax collectors and soldiers. This radical love threatens those in power. They try to stop Jesus from healing, teaching and loving by putting him to death. But Jesus cannot be stopped. God raises him from the dead. Love prevails. New life arises.

Jesus lives and he comes to us again and again to make God’s love known. Jesus also promises to come finally, at the end of time, to redeem the whole cosmos, to make all things new. This is great good news; it brings such comfort and joy! Yet this good news also challenges the status quo and shakes things up in the heavens and the earth. It wreaks havoc with the powers that be – the forces of evil, oppression, hatred and greed within and around us. It exposes the lies, the fake news, the half-truths of this world in order that the truth and the power of God’s love for all people may be made known.

The good news of Jesus isn’t just tender and sweet. It brings turmoil within and around us as all that opposes God is confronted. So, it seems preparing for Christmas also means preparing for some turmoil, and not just the kind that comes from family gatherings. Contrary to what we often hear these days, Christian faith doesn’t protect us from turmoil. Jesus doesn’t keep us safe amidst trials and tribulations. Instead, he gives us a way of being, a stance to take so that we can face whatever comes with hope and courage, rather than fear and foreboding.

Jesus says, “Stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Stand up, raise your heads. Remain grounded in a deeper truth and look to God. Don’t be overcome by drunkenness or worries, but lift up your head and pay attention to God’s saving presence that is so near to you.

It seems Jesus wants us to avoid two ditches in responding to turmoil. Trying to ignore and avoid it all; or being overcome by it all. He cautions us to avoid drunkenness and squandering our energy with frivolous living – escapism and false comforts that seek to ignore the realities of the world. Apparently, binging on TV shows and junk food is not the answer. Seeking a peaceful, idyllic holiday while avoiding those who are poor is not the answer. Jesus’s radical love for each of us and for the whole world makes a claim on us. We are to love as he loved, and pay special concern to the poor, the outcast and the stranger as he did. We are to seek the comfort and joy of others, not just ourselves.

Yet Jesus also cautions us about getting overwhelmed by worries and foreboding about the state of the world and all the needs around us. This is a very real possibility in these days. Sometimes we do need to turn off the news to tend to our well-being. We need to experience comfort and joy our- selves even as we seek it for others. We need to ground ourselves in the deeper truth of God’s promises: Love has come, love has won, love will ultimately prevail.

We also need to lift up our heads and pay attention to signs of God at work – glimpses of love happening all around us and through us. And, oh my Good Shepherd, is love happening around us and through us. God is at work through this congregation in powerful ways.

Beloved, we can stand fast and lift up our heads, because we are not alone as we face the turmoil of this world.

Jesus endured it, even unto death.
Jesus rose again and is with us now in his word, in his body and blood, in his body the church.
Jesus is with us in all that we face loving, forgiving, healing and empowering us to do the same.

May this good news bring you real comfort and joy today and always.

Let’s take a moment for a silent prayer.



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































One day, Jesus will come again to make all things new.


May this good news bring you real comfort and joy today and always.


Let’s take a moment for a silent prayer.




Christmas in Bethlehem – Sunday, November 21, 2021

11:00 a.m. – ADULT FORUM, Gathering Space – CHRISTMAS IN BETHLEHEM

  • Join members Martha Monson Lowe and George Lowe for a glimpse into Christmas in Bethlehem in the 21st century. The “little town” is not so little anymore. “Hopes and fears” are ever present. Yet, “the everlasting light”, the “holy child of Bethlehem”, draws us always to Him, and “the dear Christ enters in”.
  • Note: Palestinian arts and crafts will be available for sale before worship and after the congregational meeting.


  • Good Shepherd members Martha Monson Lowe and George Lowe are pleased to offer handmade Palestinian arts and crafts from the Holy Land for sale.
  • All items were collected from artists and shopkeepers during their last visit, when Martha and George volunteered at Bethlehem Bible College.
  • Items include olive wood carvings, cashmere scarves, pottery, jewelry, wool rugs, felt work, Christmas ornaments, embroidery, olive oil soap, kefiyas, Hebron glass, and more!
  • This is an opportunity to support those in the land where Jesus was born, and to buy meaningful gifts for Christmas, other occasions, and for yourself.

Sermon  for Sunday, November 14, 2021 – “How We are Fed”

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Decorah, Iowa
Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Click here to read scripture passages for the day.

Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.

Jesus calls our attention to a widow who gives her whole life. That isn’t clear in the English translation, but that’s what the original Greek implies. Jesus isn’t just talking about money, He’s calling our attention to a woman who offers her whole self to God. We are all called to entrust our lives to God, and this woman does something beautiful and Christ-like by giving of herself so fully. I wonder if Jesus sees in her a model for how he will give of himself.

Yet does anyone else feel concerned for this widow? Is it wise for her to give everything to God by way of what had become a corrupt religious institution? Especially because Jesus has just been talking about religious leaders who are devouring widows’ houses, exploiting them? Will she be a victim of those leaders? When she gives of her whole self, will the religious community care for her? The Hebrew scriptures command special care for widows, orphans and the poor. Will her community live out that care? We never come across this woman again in scripture, and we don’t know how it all went for her. There are so many questions here.

So today as we think about God’s invitation to trust and give freely, I find the story of a widow in our first lesson much more helpful. It gives us a fuller picture of trusting and giving. We hear the story of a widow who is literally starving to death at a time of drought. She is gathering sticks to prepare the last of her food so that she and her son can eat a final meal together before they die.

Then a stranger comes along and asks her to make him some bread. Is it wise to share the last of what she has? Is that faithful to her dying son? She doesn’t think so and she says as much. She tells Elijah she has only enough for one last meal for the two of them. She has real concerns and she expresses them.

Notice what happens next. This stranger, who turns out to be God’s prophet Elijah, doesn’t critique her, he isn’t frustrated that she won’t just blindly give him her last bit of food. Instead, he promises her that God is about to do something wondrous and that she can take part in it by giving freely of what she has. He speaks words of promise from God saying, “Do not be afraid, for thus says the Lord the God of Israel: The jar of meal will not be emptied and the jug of oil will not fail until the day that the Lord sends rain on the earth.” 

The widow trusts this promise and gives what she has, she entrusts her life to God. As she does, she gets to participate in what God is doing and her needs are met. We’re told, “She went and did as Elijah said, so that she as well as he and her household ate for many days. The jar of meal was not emptied, neither did the jug of oil fail.” The widow becomes no longer just a victim of the drought, but rather an agent of God’s work of feeding the prophet Elijah. And she and her son are fed.

The good news of this story, and the good news of Jesus is that God is up to wondrous things in this world and we get to participate. God is at work feeding, healing, loving and transforming the world and God uses us as agents of this work. We don’t have to live as victims, at the mercy of what we lack. No matter how meager or abundant our resources, God can and does work through us. God can and does work through you.

Yet so often we feel we are lacking when it comes to time, money, energy, power, health, or faith. Our culture tells us that we don’t have enough, that we aren’t enough. We’d better hold on tight to what we have and work like crazy to make sure that we get more and more and more. Only when we have a whole lot can we share what we have.

This isn’t actually a wise way to live. All the great wisdom traditions advise against it. Grasping, hoarding and refusing to share doesn’t work out well for us or our society. This is a soul crushing way to live. We become victims of our fear of scarcity and miss the opportunity to participate in what God is doing around us. I believe that’s why God asks us to give of our very selves for God’s work of loving the world. As we give, we find that our needs are met as well. We are fed and nourished. We are set free from our fear of scarcity. God asks us to give because it helps us and the world.

Even still, it is hard to give, hard to trust. So, God comes to us and other people who ask for our help, who invite our giving. God comes to us through scripture speaking words of promise like those given to the widow: “Do not be afraid,” “Do not worry about tomorrow,” “You shall not be in want.”

And most of all, God comes to us in Jesus, the one who gives his very life, all that he has, so that we can experience and be drawn into God’s healing and life-giving work. Jesus comes to us today to say, “This is my body given for you, this is my blood shed for you.” This food will not run out, this meal will not fail, we have all that we need.

We can entrust our lives to God. I can’t wait to see what God will do in and for us all.

Let’s take a moment for silent prayer.





Notice of Congregational Meeting, November 21, After Worship

Dear members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church —

This letter is to inform you of a brief congregational meeting and vote on Sunday, November 21 following worship.

This year, the congregation council was asked to identify particular ways we might enhance the worship life and ministry of the church.  As we returned to in person worship, it soon became apparent that a new audio and video system needed to be prioritized. Members of the facilities and grounds committee, especially committee chair Robert Fitton, along with Pastor Amy and Brooke Joyce identified the limitations of our current system, assessed what is needed for audio and video equipment in the church building, and consulted with a professional firm who did an acoustic assessment of the sanctuary and made recommendations for a system that would meet our needs.  The stewardship committee now has made the audio and video system a priority for our fall campaign as we discern our giving for 2022 as well, adopting the theme “Hear the Good News.”

At this time, I am happy to report that we have a bid from DB Acoustics in Marion, Iowa for a new audio and video system. The proposal includes new speakers, microphones, sound controls and equipment, wiring, and video equipment for the sanctuary.  It also includes speakers and controls for the nursery as well as repurposing the current sanctuary speakers to bring sound to the gathering space outside the sanctuary and to the fellowship hall.  We will also have a new wireless microphone in the fellowship hall to provide better quality sound in that space for presentations and meetings.  New video equipment in the sanctuary will allow for greater flexibility in setting camera angles for recording worship, and the recording equipment will have a direct connection to the sound system.  This equipment will also make it more feasible to accomplish live-streaming of services.  Finally, and most significantly for recording our services, the new system will include a microphone that will pick up congregational singing and spoken responses.

The bid for this audio and video system is reasonable and will meet the needs of the congregation now and into the future.  However, the bid is only guaranteed for 30 days, which puts us under a time constraint.  As a result, I am calling a congregational meeting which will be held after worship on Sunday, November 21 to vote on the proposed system.  This vote will allow us to proceed with the project. At the meeting, there will be a brief presentation of the system, the cost of the project itself, and some other financial considerations for the coming year.  I would ask that you please plan to attend the meeting if possible on November 21.  

In addition, I’d like you also to prayerfully consider your response to this project in your planned giving for 2022, or if you prefer, you may designate a gift for the project (note audio/video on memo line of checks).  As of this letter, I can report that there has been an anonymous donation of matching funds up to $10,000 pledged towards the system.  Between planned giving and designated donations, we can make this project a reality. Lastly, I will mention briefly that our stewardship campaign includes designating funds to refurbish our sanctuary piano by replacing the action (the “action” of a piano includes the hammers and the mechanism which causes the hammers to strike the strings when you press the keys).  This project, at an estimated cost of $5,000, is fully funded. As you plan, please prayerfully consider your giving to all our budget priorities including investing in staff and giving 26% of our budget to God’s work beyond this congregation.

Information on the project is available on the website at —

— for you to review before the meeting on November 21.  Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jonathon Struve
Congregation President

Sermon for Sunday, November 7, 2021 – “Tender Tears”

All Saints Sunday
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Decorah, Iowa
Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Click here to read scripture passages for the day.

Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.

Our readings today are awash in tears, so fitting for this day when we remember our beloved dead. In these readings we hear that God honors our tears and promises to tenderly wipe them from our eyes. God shares our tears – Jesus stands at the grave of his friend Lazarus and weeps. And God promises a future without tears. Mourning and crying and pain will be no more, and all peoples will feast at God’s banquet.

That phrase, all peoples, is key. God’s promise of a future without tears is not just for a few, it is for everyone. Isaiah stresses that by using the word all four times. God will make “for all peoples a feast of rich food”, God will “destroy the shroud [of death] cast over all peoples”, “the sheet spread over all nations”, God will “wipe away the tears from all faces.” In God’s promised future there will be no us and them, no separations, no divisions. We will all be healed together. We will all feast together.

We need this vision to give us hope in all times, especially in this difficult time for our country. There is so much anger, hatred, and violence right now. How can we live faithfully and hopefully amidst all of this? How can we be a healing presence in our world and live out our identities as saints of God?

Perhaps we need to take a cue from our readings today and focus on the tears. Perhaps we need to pay attention to the pain within us and within other people. God takes our tears seriously, maybe we should as well. This is not easy. Our culture is so often uncomfortable with strong emotions. We push them away. We try to put on a happy face. We stay busy. We choose to respond with contempt and cynicism rather than working with and through the deeper emotions of anger, fear, grief, and sorrow.

Jesus shows us a different way. He is real with his emotions at Lazarus’ tomb. He weeps. He’s greatly disturbed and deeply moved. He feels it all. He brings it to God in prayer. This glimpse of Jesus reminds me of a man I went to visit recently. He shared all his pain and frustration about the world with me. He didn’t try to pretend everything was fine. He didn’t remain polite or on the surface of things. He questioned why he was feeling all of this. He was honest and real and raw, like the Psalmists are. We talked and then we prayed about it all. It was a holy time. As I left, he apologized for ranting. Yet he was a witness to me of how to work with strong emotions. Acknowledge them, listen to them, name them, remain curious, and bring them to God in prayer. Healing can happen when we pay attention to our own tears, to our own grief and pain.

Healing can also happen as we pay attention to the pain of others. Recently I was convicted by a New York Times story about the pain of many who are unvaccinated.[1] I often feel angry about people who are not getting vaccinated against COVID. I don’t understand. Many people I love have gotten sick because others are not vaccinated. Yet there is more to it than I realized. There are stories about people like Josie and Tom Burko, a married couple who died from COVID within days of each other, leaving behind an 8-year-old daughter. They hadn’t taken the pandemic lightly. They wanted to be vaccinated but Josie had a heart murmur and chronic diabetes and worried about an adverse reaction. Tom had muscular atrophy and similar worries. They were afraid and so had not yet gotten vaccinated.

There are so many similar COVID deathbed stories. People are concerned, confused, and afraid. It’s easy to say that people should be more informed or seek advice from a medical provider, except many of the people who are unvaccinated have no health care provider. Many do not have health insurance. Many live in rural health care deserts. Many people, especially people of color, have numerous reasons to distrust the medical system in our country.

Recently in the Atlantic, Dr. Elaine Batchlor wrote about why she can’t persuade her 93-year-old black mother to get a vaccine.[2] Just a few years ago, at the ER, her mother passed out after screaming in agony when her broken arm got manipulated and X-rayed without sufficient care for her pain. This experience fits a larger pattern. Black people are much less likely to be given pain medication or even treatment for life-threatening emergencies. These experiences on top of traumas in very recent history like the Tuskegee experiment have led to such pain and distrust.

If we are to bring healing to our divided country, we need to hear and honor these stories. We need to remain curious, open, and humble in the face of such sorrow. Of course, staying with our own and other’s pain is not easy. We can feel so very exposed and raw. It’s tempting to fight back the tears, to defend ourselves from the discomfort, to shut others out or attack them so we can have some illusion of control. So, we need more than a focus on our own and other’s tears. We also need God’s presence, God’s care and God’s promises.

And Beloved, God is so very present with us through Jesus. Jesus knows about deep grief, he wept for his friend. He knows the power of fear. He saw it in Lazarus’ sisters who worried how they would survive in their patriarchal culture without their brothers’ support. Jesus knows about anger and divisiveness. Some of the people gathered at the tomb sneered, “Why didn’t Jesus pre- vent Lazarus from dying, he healed the blind man after all.” Soon after Jesus raised Lazarus, this anger boiled over into a plot to kill both Lazarus and Jesus. Jesus experienced all of this and continued to choose the way of love and vulnerability. He did not defend himself or attack others, he gave himself in love.

And now the risen Jesus is here amidst all the pain of this time. He is present to give himself in love to you today. Here at this table, Jesus meets you to tend to your tears, to feed you with his love. Jesus gives you a foretaste of the feast to come in which all people will be gathered at the heavenly banquet.

You are not alone as you face the fear, anger, and sorrow of this world.
God is right there with you in it all.
God honors your tears – you can remain open to the pain of others.
God wipes away your tears – you can be a healing presence in the world.
God promises a future where tears will be no more – you can live with hope today and always.

Let’s take a moment for silent prayer.

