Sermon for Sunday, February 27, 2022 


Transfiguration of Our Lord – Last Sunday after Epiphany 


Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Good  Shepherd Lutheran Church    Decorah, Iowa


Click to read scripture passages for the day.


Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.


Peter and his companions were, quote, “weighed down with sleep”, and almost missed out. 

They almost slept through a transformative, mountaintop experience with Jesus, Moses, and

Elijah, three key players in the whole story of God. They might have totally missed the presence

of God.


We, too, are so often weighed down, especially right now. Worries, exhaustion, the news of the day  – it all feels incredibly heavy. There is so much that presses hard upon our hearts and spirits. We’re also just plain physically weighed down with all our heavy coats and socks and boots whenever we want to leave our house. The best part of spring is being able to just walk out the door without ten minutes of preparation. Often to cope with it all, we just go numb. We trudge through the snow, scroll through social media, eat mindlessly, consume way too much news.


But what do we miss when we’re so weighed down? How often do we miss experiencing the pres- ence of God? After all, Moses and Jesus aren’t the only people who shine with God’s glory. As St. Irenaeus put it, the glory of God is a human fully alive. Whenever we encounter someone using their gifts, doing what brings joy, showing love to others, we see a human fully alive and we see God. It isn’t just on the mountaintop or with very spiritual people that we encounter the presence of God. Each person on earth is created in the image of God. Each person we meet can give us a glimpse of the face of God. All of creation is brimming with God’s goodness, full of God’s very life.


Yet so often we move through life in a stupor – groggy and oblivious to the joy, the gifts, the wis- dom, the love all around us. We overlook the presence of God among us. We don’t want to just sleepwalk through our days. We don’t want to miss the love on a family member’s face because 

our eyes are fixed on Facebook. We want to be awake and alive. But how?


Maybe we’re just too bogged down with the daily grind. Maybe if we could just get away from it all for a while, just take a break from the routine to get some perspective, then we’d be more aware of the presence of God. That is an important practice: retreats, vacations, and days of Sabbath rest are so good and needed. 


Yet in our story today, Peter, James, and John were given some time away. They had the chance to go up on the mountain, to get away from it all, to see things differently. Still, they were weighed down with sleep. Still, they almost slept through God showing up.

So, maybe rather than waiting for mountaintop experiences, we need to approach daily life differ- ently. We’re often advised that we should be more attentive, live in the present moment, be more grateful. Yes, of course. Yet often advice, even good advice, can keep us fixated on ourselves. Am I doing this right? Am I doing enough? How do I seem to others?

To be awake and alive, we need more than a change of scenery, more than better guidance. We need God. On our own, we’re curved in on ourselves: focused on all our struggles, failings, worries and shortcomings, how we look, how we’re doing. That makes it so hard to lift our weary heads to look around and pay attention to the presence of God in our world and in those we meet. We get weighed down with it all. We need God to break through to us, to wake us up and set us free.

The disciples on the mountain needed God to not just show up, but to get through to them. They needed God to speak right to them. We need that as well. And this is what God does. We don’t get

a booming voice from a cloud, but we do get God’s word spoken directly for us, for you. God 

speaks to us through scripture, preaching and sacraments, through music, and other people.

God says to you, Listen to me.

You are mine, you are loved, you are forgiven, you are enough, you are not alone.

Your life is held in me; you need not fear.

You can look up, wake up, see me everywhere.

You can help others to know my love and my presence.

You have all that you need.


Yet, even after God spoke to the disciples on the mountain, they still didn’t really get it. They need- ed God to keep speaking to them in the person of Jesus, in the gathered community, in the Holy Spirit. God does the same for us. God keeps on keeping on to get through to us when we’re wide awake and alert, when we’re grumpy and tired. God doesn’t stop speaking words of challenge and promise, no matter how many times we tune out or overlook God’s presence. 


The glory of God is a human fully alive, fully awake.

It is God who awakens and enlivens us.

God is here today, for you, for us all.

Sermon for Sunday, February 20, 2022, Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, “Freedom in an Angry World”

Sermon for Sunday, February 20, 2022 

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 

“Freedom in an Angry World”

Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Good  Shepherd Lutheran Church    Decorah, Iowa


Click here to read scripture passages for the day.


Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.


I guess one thing we can say about this passage is: We’re getting lots of chances to practice it right now. 


As Pastor Liz Goodman puts it: “It’s a terrible fact that we have so many opportunities to love our enemies. Life used to be about ordinary, daily interactions that, in many ways, were mildly abra- sive. You’re pulling out of a parking space, and someone mindlessly walks behind your car—so you stop and wave the person on, though you’re pressed for time. You’re waiting in line at the library, and someone comes up to ask a ‘quick question’ of the librarian that makes your wait a little longer. All those mild abrasions made us, if not tough, then tolerant. Yielding to one another used to be woven into our days and lives to such a degree that we might barely have noticed doing it: ordinary grace. But the pandemic and its social isolation have put us out of practice of bumping 

up against one another in regular ways. We’ve become so tender as to be almost intolerant, easily triggered by the slightest sleight. Kids in school are fighting, even with other kids they’ve known for years. Adults in public are unable to keep their composure even over issues with the lowest stakes.”


Or as the title of an opinion piece in the New York Times put it recently, “Rudeness is on the rise, you got a problem with that?” As rage and aggression erupt everywhere, I wonder if those of us with white privilege are now experiencing what people of color have long faced on a daily basis – the sense that those around us can’t be trusted to treat us with dignity and respect.


How do we handle life in such a rude and angry world? We need Jesus’ wisdom, from our Gospel reading today, more than ever. Jesus’ words give us a path of freedom and life in such a difficult world. To be clear, Jesus isn’t telling us that we can’t feel anger at those who treat us badly. He is-

n’t saying we have to reconcile with abusers or stay in relationship with them. There is a differ- ence between forgiveness and reconciliation, and sometimes reconciliation is not possible. Jesus also isn’t advising us to be doormats who ignore evil and overlook injustice.


Instead, Jesus is offering us a way of being in the world that isn’t dependent upon what others do.

If we aren’t intentional, our actions end up just being reactions to how others treat us, how others behave. When someone hurts you, you seek to hurt them somehow, even if just in your head. You are trapped by thoughts of them and what they’ve done, and what you wish would happen to them. You replay the hurt, relive the pain, ruminate about it all. When someone is good to you, well then you better treat them right so you can keep the good thing going. Gotta work the system to your advantage. Do unto others what they have done to you; that’s the way the world works. 


If we live like that, then we aren’t free and other people have too much power over us. We’re bound to the other person as we react, reciprocate, keep score. Jesus is giving us a way to break free of this cycle of retribution, tit for tat. Jesus says don’t let your actions be driven by what others do. Instead, be shaped by how God treats you. God shows you kindness and mercy always. Let your actions be shaped by that. Forgive and you will know freedom. Don’t resist with hatred or you will start to become like your enemy.


Or, as preacher Nadia Bolz-Weber powerfully proclaims, “I really believe that, when someone else does us harm, we’re connected to that mistreatment like a chain. And maybe retaliation or holding onto anger about the harm done to me doesn’t actually combat evil. Maybe it feeds it. 

Because in the end, if we’re not careful, we can actually absorb the worst of our enemy, and at some level, start to become them. So, what if forgiveness, rather than being a pansy way to say, ‘It’s okay,’ is actually a way of wielding bolt-cutters, and snapping the chains that link us [to the harm]? 

What if it’s saying, ‘What you did was so not okay, I refuse to be connected to it anymore?’ Forgive- ness is about being a freedom fighter. And free people are dangerous people. Free people aren’t controlled by the past. Free people laugh more than others. Free people see beauty where others do not. Free people are not easily offended. Free people are unafraid to speak truth to stupid. Free people are not chained to resentments. And that’s worth fighting for.”


Forgiveness frees us to be strong, engaged, calm and joyful in this angry world.


Jesus wants us to know this freedom, so he gives us the words and teaching we hear today. But so often we don’t hear these words as freeing – we hear them as things that bring us shame. We hear: Shame on you who struggle to love, who struggle to forgive; Shame on you who are angry, who are still ruminating about that person and unable to cut the ties to them. No life-giving change ever comes from a place of shame. That’s why we need more than Jesus’ words to set us free,  why

Jesus gives us more than teaching.


Jesus comes among us to help us experience God’s freedom and abundance, to let us taste and take in God’s love and mercy. Jesus comes among us so that we might know, deep in our bones, that we are loved and forgiven and honored by God. 


You are God’s beloved, always, when you are calm and when you are angry.

You are loved and forgiven, always, when you forgive and when you struggle with letting go.

God’s love for you is not dependent on what you do.

God’s love is always at work to set you free.


Let’s take a moment for silent prayer.


Sermon for Sunday, February 13, 2022 – “Blessed are the Desperate”

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany  – Rev. Amy Zalk Larson – Good  Shepherd Lutheran Church    Decorah, Iowa

Click here to read scripture passages for the day.

Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.

Author Philip Yancey tells a story about being invited to the White House to advise President Clinton. The invitation came when Yancey was deep into a study on our Gospel reading for today. He reports that he couldn’t get this text out of his mind as he prepared his remarks for Clinton.

He wondered how it should influence his advice to Clinton.

Yancey knew he didn’t want to say something like, well Mr. President, first I want to advise you to stop worrying so much about unemployment. Don’t you understand that those who are poor and hungry are the fortunate ones? The more poverty and hunger we have in the U.S., the more bless- ed we are. And don’t spend so much time worrying about health care; blessed are those who weep for they will be comforted. And really, stop worrying about hate crimes because people are bless- ed when others hate them. Yancey was pretty sure this type of advice was not what Jesus meant.

So, what does Jesus mean by the blessings and woes we just heard? What should we do with this reading, especially those of us who are comfortable and privileged? To be clear, Jesus is speaking about physical poverty, hunger, riches and fullness here. The Gospel of Matthew softens this a bit using beautiful phrases like: “Blessed are the poor in spirit; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” But the Gospel of Luke says: “Blessed are you who are poor”- full stop; “Blessed are you who are hungry”- as in not knowing where the next meal will come from, how the kids will get fed kind of hungry.

So, is Jesus saying we are all supposed to become poor, hungry, weeping and hated so that we will be blessed? Should we who have more things wallow in guilt, romanticize the poor, do everything we can to avoid being happy? I don’t think so. Before Jesus spoke these words, he did everything he could to alleviate suffering. He fed the hungry and healed the sick and raised the dead. Jesus is all about healing, joy, freedom, abundance!

I think we miss the point if we hear these blessings and woes as instructions for life, advice about how to get on God’s good side. They aren’t telling us what we should do. Instead, Jesus’s words show us who God is and reveal our deep need for God. We see in these words God’s heart for people who are in need. They demonstrate what Catholic scholars have identified as “God’s preferen- tial option for the poor.” As one author puts it, “God’s blessing rests on those who have absolutely nothing to fall back on in this world. No credit line, no nest egg, no fan base, no immunity. If we want to know where God’s heart is, we must look to the world’s most reviled, wretched, shamed, and desperate people.”  Though the world may think that those who are poor and hungry are abandoned and God-forsaken, nothing could be further from the truth. God is so very close to those who are most in need. If we want to find God, we need look no further than the local food pantry.

These words of Jesus also help us to know our dependence on God. In them we discover an important truth. We are blessed when we are empty, vulnerable, in need, for then we know we need help and we are more open to the blessings that God so freely gives. We are blessed when we are desperate, for then we are ready to receive, then we are able to see what God’s blessings really are.

God’s blessings are not riches and success, not quick answers to all our prayers. God isn’t some talk show host in the sky saying, “You get a car, you get a car, you get a car.” Instead, God blesses us with what matters most. God gives fullness of joy no matter the circumstance, laughter that bubbles up from the dry, empty places, persistent hope, and love that will not let us go. God also gives us what we need to see and participate in God’s kingdom, God’s economy, God’s intention for creation. In God’s economy, there is enough for all. As we participate in it, we find we can receive without grasping and hoarding and let blessings flow through us to others. 

We are more ready to receive all these blessings when we are empty and hurting. That’s not to say when we’re desperate, we always turn to God, we don’t. Yet when everything’s coming up roses and things are going our way, it is easy to be smug and full of ourselves. And then there isn’t room for God’s fullness. We start to think we must really be special, that we clearly deserve everything good in our lives. We miss the truth that we are dependent on God for life, for each new day, for daily bread, for love, for grace upon grace. We start to look down on others rather than humbly standing with open hands in awe, in gratitude for all that God so freely pours upon us all.

When we live full of ourselves, we miss out on the life God wants us all to know – a life of abundance and joy. So, Jesus speaks words of blessing and woe again and again, in every season of our lives. When we are empty, Jesus brings words of comfort and good news: God is near, blessed are you, you are not alone. When we are full of ourselves, Jesus brings words of judgment – woe to you. Jesus convicts us of our sin and our need for God.  

And Jesus doesn’t stop with these words of blessing and woe. He also works God’s healing and abundance for all of us. Jesus calls us into relationship with those who are in need so that all people, rich and poor, can be healed. Jesus showers us with mercy and forgiveness so that our grasping hands will be opened to receive and to share. Jesus feeds us with a foretaste of the feast we’ll share in God’s kingdom.

We are all dependent upon God.

We each are given all that we need.

Let’s take a moment for silent prayer.

Faith Formation at Home

Here are two resources to share in faith formation at home and with loved ones via the phone or Zoom. These are good for people of all ages.

Faith5 is a set of five simple practices that allows us to connect with each other, connect with scripture and connect with God. This type of faith conversation can be done each night at home around the dinner table, at bedtime or on the phone or Zoom with others. The practices are:

  • SHARE your highs and lows.
  • READ a Bible verse or story*
  • TALK about the story. What do you notice, do you see any connections with your highs and lows?
  • PRAY for one another’s highs and lowsGo around the circle, each person prays for the person next to them. The prayer can be as simple as “Dear God thank you for the (insert high) and help with (insert low), in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  • BLESS one another. Go around the circle again, each person offers a simple blessing for the person next to them. Ideas: “remember God loves you”, “you are God’s beloved child.” 

*Suggestions for readings. Below are the scriptures that will be the focus for worship. They can also be found in the Spark Children’s Bible.

January 23: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Spark: “Many Members, One Body”, page 542 

January 30: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Spark: “Love Is…”, page 546

February 6: Luke 5:1-11, Spark: “The Disciples”,  page 258 

February 13: Luke 6:17-26, Spark: “The Beatitudes”, page 264

February 20: Luke 6:27-38, Spark: “Love Your Enemies”, page 274

February 27: Luke 9:28-38, Spark: “Transfiguration”, page 358 


You can also connect to the current focus for in person or online worship and children’s sermon. We are focusing on what it means to live as the people of God and to affirm our baptisms using the 5 promises made in the affirmation of baptism service. The first letters of these promises, with an Alleluia, in the middle can spell out the word SPLASH (see below)

Each week during in person and online worship, we will be focusing on one of these 5 promises.  You can do the same for at-home Sunday School. 

S—Serve all people, following the example of Jesus (Jan 23)

P—Proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed (an easier to understand phrase might be: Point people to Christ’s love with our words and bodies!) (Jan 30)

L—Live among God’s faithful people (Feb. 6)


S—Strive for justice and peace in all the earth (Feb. 13) 

H—Hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper (Feb. 20)

Each week, talk together about the promises. Here are some questions you could use:

Who do you think about when you hear this promise? Who is a good example of someone living out this promise?

How can living out these promises help us to feel connected to God and other people?

Does this promise remind you of any good or hard times in your life?

How do we live out this promise together as a family? together as the people of Good Shepherd?

Draw pictures and/or collect photos of people doing these things and make a collage.

Sermon for Sunday, February 6, 2022 – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany  “There is Abundance Here”

Rev. Amy Zalk Larson

Good  Shepherd Lutheran Church    Decorah, Iowa

Click here to read scripture passages for the day.

Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus.

Simon, James, and John have fished all night long. Again and again they’ve cast their nets, and their hopes, upon the waters. They’ve thrown themselves into their work, trying to drown out the ques- tion that gnaws at them every night, “Will we catch enough to survive another day?” They are barely subsisting, barely providing for their families. Every single cast of the net carries so much weight. Every time the net comes up empty, their hearts and their hopes sink further and further down.

Our lives differ greatly from theirs. Yet, we too know what it is to work so hard with nothing to show for it. We know what it is to pour ourselves into a project, a person, a plan that does not pan out. We know what it is to cast our hopes out into the world only to come up empty and how very heavy that emptiness feels. 

Simon, James, and John finally decide it’s time to give up, cut their losses, wash their nets, and head home. But then Jesus shows up and boards their boat in order to teach a huge crowd of people. When he’s finished speaking, he turns to Simon and says, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” 

Simon is reluctant, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” Even as Simon doubts, he follows Jesus’s command, a command that proves trustworthy and true. What comes up brings Simon to his knees: abundance beyond measure, a lavish, extravagant catch. Now it’s not their spirits that are sinking, but their boat. It’s overflowing with fish.

Now these fishermen’s most pressing question is not, “Will we catch enough to survive another day?” but, “Who will help us take in all this abundance?” The central question of their lives changes from, “Will there be enough” to, “How can more people experience this?” As author Jan Richardson puts it, “Fish aren’t the only catch of the day; Simon and his companions are hooked. Captivated. Called.”

Simon feels sinful and unworthy in the face of all this, yet Jesus says to him, “Do not be afraid.” In me, Jesus says, you have enough, you are enough. You can receive this abundance. You can participate in it, even drawing others in, gathering them into God. Leave behind a life of worry and scar- city, let go of the single-minded focus on your own survival. Simon, James, and John listen and fol- low; and they are fed as they become part of something so much larger than themselves.

This is what Jesus does then and still today. Jesus shows up in the heavy, empty places of scarcity and fear. He comes where we have given up, where we have stopped expecting anything. He commands us to keep on using our nets, our energy, our gifts to keep on keeping on. We may doubt that it will do any good, that anything can change; but Jesus’ command is trustworthy and true.

God’s abundance is here, even when we cannot see it. We can put down our nets again to receive it and share it.

Good Shepherd, we can persist in following Jesus even in this strange time. We can continue to pay attention to COVID recommendations and find creative ways to worship, serve and nurture faith. We can keep on doing antiracism work. We can persist in advocating for justice, welcoming Afghans, offering legal clinics, and caring for others.

We each can continue to follow Jesus’ command to love by practicing kindness and patience and gentleness in our homes, families, schools, and workplaces. We can persist in using our own nets, our own gifts, for the work God has given each of us in daily life. Like Simon, James, and John, we are caught up and drawn into what God is doing in the world. The questions we ask change. Our purpose is reframed.

We can do this because Jesus meets us in the heavy and empty places to feed us and draw us into something so much larger. Jesus comes to us today in the simple gifts of bread and wine, water, word, song, and community. He says, there is abundance here that you did not expect. Put out your nets into these deep waters and draw this all into your small boat. Look to others here to help you. You will be filled in body, mind and spirit; you will be lifted up. You will be drawn into God’s lavish, extravagant care.

You may feel unworthy, sinful, overwhelmed like Simon. Yet Jesus says to you, again and again, 

“Do not be afraid.” You have enough, you are enough in me. Leave behind worry and scarcity. Let go of that tight, heavy focus on your own survival. Stop asking if there will be enough and start asking how more people can experience God’s gifts.

Beloved, God’s abundance is for you and for all people. Draw it in and let it flow through you for the sake of the world.

Let’s take a moment for silent prayer.

As we pray, I invite you to close your eyes and notice your breath.

Notice that your breath is waiting for you in each moment – pure gift.

As you breathe in, draw in God’s abundance for you.

As you breathe out, let go of worry and fear.

We’ll breathe and pray together for a few moments. 
