Martin Bergan’s Violin

A violin hand-made by Good Shepherd charter member Martin Bergan was recently rediscovered by Drew Duffy during spring cleaning of the church.  Midge Kjome, who knew Bergan personally, has researched his life and written a biography describing his background and craft.

Midge Kjome’s Biography of Martin Bergan


June Potluck a Roaring Success

Thanks to the Evangelism Committee for organizing a June potluck for the congregation. Wonderful food of all varieties fed a large, appreciative crowd. Pastor Mau’s birthday was celebrated with a birthday cake and entertainment was provided by Mike and Sue Blair with vocals and guitar.   The this – Evangelism Committee will next work on organizing and promoting the Welcome Neighbors Picnic scheduled for Sunday, September 7.





Good Shepherd 'Reached' Rwanda This Spring


 The congregation did not travel to Rwanda during March and April, but was heavily involved in this year’s Sunday School Lenten Project, Reach Rwanda. A total of $1,247 was donated to support the purchase of essential clothing and care items for the poorest and most vulnerable new mothers and their babies.The cost of each mother/baby package is about $50; Good Shepherd’s contribution should provide for the purchase of 25. Items for the packages will be purchased locally to create an economic impact in the Rwandan villages.

Our Sunday School students shared information about Rwanda during brief ‘temple talks’ during Sundays in Lent, placed a cradle near the baptismal font for collecting donations, and created and displayed small baby blankets representing each mother/baby package funded. In April, Jusse Hirwa, a young woman from Rwanda and student at Luther College, visited the congregation and spoke with the Sunday School class.

The Reach Rwanda Project was developed in collaboration with congregation member, Julie Jensen, who has served since August 2012 as Project In Health’s (PIH) associate director of health information systems for the Rwanda team. In her thank you message to the Sunday School students and congregation, Jensen noted that she is “grateful not only for the families it will help, but also for the chance to to bring together two different communities I consider home. That is amazing.” Since 2005 and at the request of the Rwandan government, the non-profit PIH has helped strengthen the public health system in three rural districts. PIH considers its mission to be both medical and moral – to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need and to serve as an antidote to despair.

Good Shepherd Installs Special Banner

Good Shepherd BannerGood Shepherd Lutheran Church, along with First Lutheran, Decorah Lutheran, and the Luther College Student Congregation, celebrated the 150th Birthday of the Lutheran Church in Decorah at a worship service on November 10, 2013.  This festival canada cialis cheap of thanksgiving began with a procession when banners representing these Decorah congregations were carried to the altar area of the Center for Faith and Life on the Luther College campus.

The banner representing Good Shepherd was created by Good Shepherd members Jeri and Reg Laursen.  Luther College student Colin Martin designed and made the sheep while the sewing was completed by the Laursens, Marie Freerking and Martin.  The textured banner is constructed of cotton with felt letters reading “I am the Good Shepherd.”  Sheep fleece was used for the coats for the sheep.  The banner has recently been installed on the west wall of the sanctuary at Good Shepherd.

Farewell Celebration

A Farewell Celebration Committee, co-chaired by Gail and Dave Judisch, is planning a farewell brunch for Pastor Mau on Sunday, August 31, immediately following the service. This will be the final Sunday when Pastor Mau presides as pastor at Good Shepherd. Committee members are Kathy and Jim Buzza, Charilyn and Ed Hover, Beth Jones, Jane Borelli and Glenn Nelson, Corinne and Harland Nelson, and Marion Pruitt Jefferson.

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