Tabita Green, webmaster for Good Shepherd, will be demonstrating the new Good Shepherd online directory and answering questions during fellowship time after the service on Sunday, November 16. Paper access instructions will also be available. An app can be downloaded for Androids and iPhones. All updates for the directory should be submitted to the church office where they are continually added to the new directory. For more information, consult the FAQs on the website or contact Jeri Laursen.
Thanksgiving Eve Service – November 26
Good Shepherd will participate in the ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve service to be held this year at Decorah Lutheran Church at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 26. The theme is “It’s All Gift!” The offering will go to Habitat for Humanity, Bread for the World, and local food pantries. Pie will be served in the Social Hall following the service. Each congregation is supposed to bring 4 pies, already cut, to the church by 6:15 pm that night and provide one person to help with serving and clean-up. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Narthex.
Soup Luncheon and Country Store, November 9
A Soup Luncheon and Country Store is planned at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church for Sunday, November 9. The church’s W/ELCA group is sponsoring the event which will be held at 11:00 am in the Good Shepherd Fellowship Hall. The public is invited. The Country Store will have baked goods and attic treasures for sale.
A soup luncheon with cheese and crackers, vegetable plates, fruit and dessert will be served to those attending. Fair trade coffees and other foods which benefit the Lutheran World Relief Coffee Project will also be for sale. All proceeds will be used for church projects and charitable outreach.
April Ulring Larson to Begin as Interim Pastor on November 8-9
Pastor April Ulring Larson will officially become the Interim Pastor at Good Shepherd during the weekend of November 8-9, 2014, and will serve in this capacity until a permanent pastor is called. She has been in ordained ministry for thirty-six years. She has served in diverse settings, from rural parishes to fulfilling her three-term limit as Bishop of the La Crosse Area Synod where she was elected as the first woman bishop in the ELCA. Pr. Larson has served on several major boards including the board of Lutheran World Relief for eight years, the Board of Regents of Luther College for sixteen years, and the executive committee of the ELCA Conference of Bishops. She recently retired after serving as senior pastor of First Lutheran Church, Duluth, MN. Pr. Larson attended Luther College for two years, then transferred to the University of Iowa where she earned a B.Mus, degree. She received an honorary doctorate from Luther College. She and her husband, Luther grad Rev. Judd Larson, both earned their M. Div. degrees from Wartburg Theological Seminary. They were ordained together in February, 1978. They are the parents of three children, all Luther graduates. Their twin daughters, Katie and Amy, are both physicians. Their son, Benjamin, died in the 2010 Haiti earthquake in his last year of seminary.
A welcome reception for Pr. Larson will be held in conjunction with the annual W/ELCA Soup Luncheon and Country Store event immediately following the Sunday service in the Fellowship Hall. At that time, special thanks will also be extended to our supply pastors who have been invited as honorary guests.
The liturgical color for this service is red which is used to note a special occasion in the life of the congregation – the beginning of Pr. April‘s ministry with us. It is displayed in the altar and pulpit paraments, woven by our member Barbara Berg, and the gates in the weavings on the sanctuary wall. The chancel flower arrangement is placed in honor of this occasion and as a gift for the Larson home by the Altar Guild, Welcome Committee and congregation.
Pastor Richard Simon Hanson to Preside, November 1-2
Pastor Richard Simon Hanson will preside over worship services during the weekend of November 1-2. We extend our deepest thanks to Pastor Hanson not only for being a frequent supply pastor for Good Shepherd during the transition period before Pastor April Ulring Larson begins her interim ministry but also for providing emergency services to the congregation and faithfully visiting the home-bound and nursing home members. We are grateful for the outstanding care and devotion he has repeatedly shown to this congregation.
Hanson received his BA from Luther College, majoring in music. He received his B.Th. and M.Th. from Luther Seminary in St. Paul and his Ph.D. from Harvard University. Hanson taught in the Religion Department at Luther from 1963 until his retirement. He is currently serving as Chaplain at Aase Haugen Homes, Inc. in Decorah.