Community Easter Vigil Worship

Easter Vigil BonfireFive area Lutheran congregations collaborated on Saturday, April 19, at 7:00 at Good Shepherd for an Easter Vigil worship service. The pastors and congregational members of First Lutheran, Washington Prairie, Glenwood/Canoe Ridge, Luther College, and Good Shepherd gathered to participate in the ancient tradition of this dramatic service.

After a fellowship gathering with refreshments, the Vigil service began when the Paschal candle was lit from a bonfire located at the back of the church property. It was carried at the head of the procession into the darkened church. Worshipers progressed from the darkness into the light, lighting individual candles from the Paschal candle as they entered the sanctuary. The services concluded with Holy Communion and a renewal of baptism.

Photo Gallery

Warming Winter with God's Love

Handing out hearts.Congregation members choose and take hearts designed by the Sunday School and youth group, and then visit the person whose name is attached to that heart. Also included with the “Heart” were Prayer Squares from the Prayer Shawl Ministry. The “breaking of the glass” sure got everyone’s attention! Thanks to the young people of our congregation for having fun with this warm, loving winter outreach.

Congregation in fellowship hall.

Christmas Schedule at Good Shepherd




 5:00 p.m. December 21 – Sunday School Christmas Program

 4:15 p.m. December 24 — Pre-Service Music

 4:30 p.m. December 24 – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Holy Communion

 9:30 a.m. December 25 – Christmas Day Festival Service with Holy Communion

                  (No service December 27)

8:45 a.m. December 28:  Join Brooke on Sunday morning, December 28, to rehearse the marvelous carol “Good King Wenceslas” for our worship service. All are welcome, no need to sign-up or RSVP.

THE CHRISTMAS OFFERING this year will be divided between a local agency, the Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation, and a global organization, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS).


Landscaping Update


Volunteers from the Landscape Committee have been refreshing garden beds at the church.  Yews, stumps, and a honeysuckle were removed from the large bed nearest the parking lot and replaced with Red Feather Viburnum, Little Lime Hydrangea, and Amber Jubilee Ninebark shrubs.  Two pots of annual, deep orange Dragon Wing Begonias were added for color during the first season of the perennials’ growth. The ground was tilled, fertilized, and covered with landscaping groundcloth before being mulched.   The beds in the parking lot have been spread with shredded hardwood mulch as well.  “Before” photos are below.





Preparing for Christmas on December 20-21

Saturday, December 20, will be the Hanging of the Greens at Good Shepherd to decorate a beautiful tree courtesy of Jerry and Kris Frank, assemble our stable and manger, and generally feel the Christmas spirit.  All ages are welcome as are treats!  Also on Saturday, red poinsettia plants donated for the Christmas season for the altar area are to be delivered to the Narthex table in the afternoon.  Members may wish to place a plant in memory of or to honor family members and friends.  On Sunday, December 21, the Youth Christmas Pageant will be held at 5:00 pm.  All youth are encouraged to participate. Everyone is invited to celebrate with sandwiches and cookies following the pageant.