The Depot Outlet has presented Good Shepherd Lutheran Church with a grant for $2,000 towards purchase of an AED. The grant also covered purchase of the accessories necessary for its proper function as well as an EMT First Responder Kit. The AED has been installed near the sanctuary for maximum accessibility in the building. The grant proposal was submitted by the Good Shepherd Stewardship Committee.
This Week at Good Shepherd, March 9-15
A new feature called “This Week at Good Shepherd” is being launched this week to provide a handy reference for church activities, especially during the Lenten season.
Work schedule for LED lighting and sound system upgrades
Wednesday, March 11
12:15 Organ Recital with Luther student Christine Skogen; light refreshments
5:30 Lenten service, Wanda Deifelt, speaking; Holden Evening Prayer; Puppet Ministry and Soup Supper follows
Thursday, March 12
10:00-11:30 Bible Study with Pastor April; study John 3:14-21
Saturday, March 14
5:00 Holy Communion
Sunday, March 15
9:30 Holy Communion
10:45 Sunday School and Adult Forum (Special Series on the Church)
Special Benevolence Opportunities During Lent
For more detail, click on the News/Events tab on the Good Shepherd website.
- Lenten Offerings designated for Pathway to Citizenship (local) and ELCA World Hunger (global)
- Sunday School Lenten Project, Mutuelle Matters
- LED Lighting Initiative
- W/ELCA Basket of Promise campaign
Benevolences Shared!
Where Do Our Lenten and Easter Gifts Go?
All funds received at Lenten Wednesday night services are directed to Lenten offerings unless otherwise directed. Similarly, funds received on Easter Sunday are counted as Easter offerings. All loose offerings (bills and coins) received during weekend services are added to the Lenten and Easter offerings. The Congregation Council has selected Path to Citizenship and ELCA World Hunger as the recipients of our local and global Lenten and Easter offerings.
Path to Citizenship is a northeast Iowa organization of faith groups, including Good Shepherd, whose mission is to support a United Methodist Immigration Ministry that brings immigration lawyers to Decorah each quarter and offers legal services to clients at no charge. ELCA World Hunger is an ELCA project that provides immediate relief to the 1 in 8 people in the world who are hungry. It aims to accomplish long-term sustainable change by connecting people with the resources they need to produce food and gain access to clean water, education, health care and sources of income.
Offerings for the Sunday School Lenten project, are kept separately and targeted for that project in Rwanda. Donations can be dropped into the doctor’s bag near the altar during the offering time at weekend services.
Other Recent Benevolences
Good Shepherd has recently received thank you notes for its mission support beyond the congregation for synodical and worldwide ministries connected to the ELCA. A total of $3,260.50 was donated to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) as the culmination of its 25th anniversary celebration outreach project while $23,000.00 was sent to the Northeastern Iowa Synod to complete the benevolence budgeted by the congregation for 2014.
LED Lighting Initiative is “ON”
The LED LIGHTING INITIATIVE is on the fast track. President Jim Fritz presented details about the INITIATIVE to the Council for approval at the February meeting and to the congregation through its email list and March newsletter. The goal is for ‘re-lamping’ to be completed by April 1, 2015. The result will be a complete change-over to LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights for all interior and exterior lighting at Good Shepherd!
Total cost of the INITIATIVE is $14,000. The $6,000 goal of the FUND DRIVE will fund a substantial portion; rebates, a grant, and budget lines will provide additional funds. Contributions to the FUND will allow Good Shepherd to ‘shine its light’ by turning on better, brighter, and more energy-efficient lights throughout its facilities and future maintenance will be reduced dramatically. Contribution or pledge intents are welcome by April 1, 2015.
This initiative is a strong, viable statement of Good Shepherd’s stewardship of our energy and fiscal resources.
Additional details about the LED LIGHTING INITIATIVE, the FUND DRIVE and CONTRIBUTION/PLEDGE FORM can be found by checking “Give” link under the Serve/Give tab on the website and in the March 2015 Newsletter.
W/ELCA Baskets of Promise
Again this year, the W/ELCA will be participating in the LWR Basket of Promise campaign. Each week, we will collect a different item that we’ll use to assemble Personal Care Kits that give people around the world tools to stay healthy in life’s most challenging situations. We will ask the youth to help assemble the kits in April and they will be collected and sent to LWR on May 2.
Our collection schedule will be:
March 1: bath towels (light-weight, 52” x 27”, dark color recommended)
March 8: toothbrushes (adult size, in original packaging)
March 15: combs
March 22: nail clippers (metal, attached file optional)
March 29: bath size bars of soap