Sermon for Sunday, May 15, 2022  Fifth Sunday of Easter “When God Comes Down”

Rev. Dr. Rolf Svanoe – Good Shepherd Lutheran Church    Decorah, Iowa

Revelation 21:1-8 

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.’ And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.’ Also he said, ‘Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.’ Then he said to me, ‘It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life’”. 

A terrible thing happened. Paradise burned. Paradise, California, that is. Four years ago, the Camp Fire was the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California’s history. 85 people died and over 95% of the city’s structures were burned. In the 2010 Census, Paradise had over 26,000 people, over three times larger than Decorah.  

I thought of this story as I was thinking about our reading from Revelation which contains a vision of paradise. We often think of Paradise as a place we go when we die. And it certainly is that. The Apostle Paul said that when he died, he would be with the Lord. Jesus said that he was going to prepare a place for us and that we would be with  him. But the prophet John has a different focus here. John’s focus is on this world. We don’t go up to heaven. Heaven comes down 

to this world and makes it new. “And I saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God … And I  heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and God himself will  be with them.’” God comes down to dwell with humankind on earth. The Gospel of John tells us that “the Word became flesh and lived (dwelt) among us” (John 1:14). God has come down to us in Jesus Christ to free us from our sins. That’s what grace is. God  comes down to us. That is so different from much of religion where we think we have to climb up to God by our good deeds. But that’s not what we learn from Jesus. We don’t go up to God; God comes down to us in the midst of our pain and brokenness, in the midst of the mess we have made of our lives and world. God comes down to us announcing forgiveness through Jesus Christ. That is grace, something we don’t deserve or earn, but something God gives us in Christ because God so loved the world. God comes down and makes this old world new. That is what John wants us to know. Paradise isn’t somewhere up there. Paradise comes down to this earth and makes it new.  

One of my all-time favorite movies is The Field of Dreams. We all know the famous quote from the movie. A baseball player emerges from the cornfield and asks the question, “Is this heaven?” The answer is, “No, it’s Iowa.” That has come to mean more to me now that we actually live in Iowa. Iowa is a field of dreams. We all have hopes and dreams for peace and prosperity. “Is this heaven?” Obviously, that baseball player’s idea of heaven was a place where he could play the game he loved so much. That field of dreams, that little slice of heaven, is a place where we be- long, a place we call home. It is a place where we feel loved and safe, where we can develop the gifts God has given us. Isn’t that what God wants us to experience now, on earth as it is in heaven? 

There’s something else John wants us to know about heaven. John describes heaven as a city. There may be a garden in the midst of it, but heaven is a city. Heaven is not just me and Jesus walking together in the garden. Heaven is me and Jesus and a whole bunch of other people of every race and nation. It is a place where people live together, where they get along with each other, where they love and care for each other. It is a city where we experience God’s presence and blessing in community with others

Sometimes when you hear people talking about Bible prophecy, they talk about the destruction  of the earth in a final battle, Armageddon. But that is not the image we are given in Revelation. Instead of an apocalyptic end of the world, God comes down to renew the world. John reminds us that “The one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.’” 

God did not say, “I am making all new things.” God is not going to destroy everything and start over again. God did that once with Noah and promised never to do it again. No, God is making all things new. God is going to take this old, broken world and renew it.  

New Testament scholar, Barb Rossing, writes that books like Revelation “take us on a journey into the heart of God’s vision for our world. Apocalypses pull back a curtain so people can see the world more deeply—both the beauty of creation and also the pathologies of empire … In a time of climate injustice, greed, food insecurity, environmental racism, species extinctions, ocean acidification, and ecological trauma, the visionary world of apocalypses can renew our hope. They can help us see both the perils we face and the urgency of God’s promised future, turning the world for justice and healing …” 

The book of Revelation does not present for us a rapture, an escape from this world. Rather it gives us an earth-centered vision of God coming to renew this earth. God is not going to destroy this world. God comes down to this world to renew it. And that is not just a hope for a distant future. God comes down to us today. God comes down to us as we follow the Lamb and rely on Lamb power to change our world. God comes down to us whenever the Good News is proclaimed. God comes down in the waters of baptism and the bread and wine of communion. God comes down when people feel sorrow and regret for their failures. God comes down when we learn to forgive and when enemies are reconciled to each other. God comes down when we feel anger at injustice in the world and work for peace and justice. God comes down when warring nations learn to live together in peace and share the resources God has given them. God comes down when we learn to love our neighbor who is different from us. God comes down and gives us a  glimpse of the beloved community God wants all people to experience.  

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, a vision of the beloved community that God brings down to our world. That dream still inspires us today. I get inspired every time I hear his “I Have a Dream” speech, because I know that Dr. King was giving voice to the same hopes and dreams that the prophet John was describing. God is calling us to live our lives by that dream, the vision of heaven coming down to earth to make all things new. God is calling us today to follow the Lamb and rely on Lamb power to make that newness a reality. 

You high school and college graduates, these are the hopes and dreams we all share with you today: That you can live in a world where you are free to develop your God-given gifts, to pursue your dreams, and that issues like race, gender, age or sexual orientation will not be obstacles for you.  

The fires that burned Paradise are gone. The city is being rebuilt. In the aftermath of a fire, in the midst of the ashes, new life springs forth. Haven’t you seen it in the ditches along the high- way when the grass and the weeds are burned? The next Spring, new life comes forth. God comes down and out of the ashes makes everything new. That is what God has promised. “Behold, I am making all things new.” God can do that in Paradise. God can do that in Decorah. God can do that in your heart and in mine. 

5/12: Masks Optional and Respected

As of May 12, the CDC guidance states Winneshiek County is at a LOW- green, level. Therefore, masks are optional and respected in the Good Shepherd building.

Sermon for Sunday, May 8, 2022  Fourth Sunday of Easter and Mother’s Day “Therefore with Angels and Archangels and All the Host of Heaven”

Rev. Dr. Rolf Svanoe – Good Shepherd Lutheran Church    Decorah, Iowa

Revelation 7:9-17 

A few months ago, when Pastor Amy asked me if I would fill in for her during her sabbatical, I  agreed, and we began to plan worship. I knew that this year in the Easter Season we had the  largest presence of the book of Revelation in the three-year lectionary. So, I asked if the congregation would be open to a series on Revelation. I’m guessing that many of you have never heard a sermon on Revelation before. The text we have before us today is often read at funerals. It is a wonderful vision of the host of heaven gathered before the throne singing praises to God and the Lamb. We hear these wonderful promises of comfort God will give the saints, “For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from the eyes.” Who doesn’t love these images? Who doesn’t feel comforted by these promises? I love the symbol of the Lamb becoming the Shepherd. Again, these images speak powerfully to us, but they aren’t  meant to be read literally.  

But in order to understand this scene in heaven that John gives us, we need to know the  con- text. This heavenly worship interrupts the opening of the seven seals in chapter six. In the first four of those seals, we are introduced to four riders on four horses. These are often referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They represent the loss of all the things that give stability to our lives due to War, Anarchy, Economic Devastation, Disease and Death. There is no- thing unusual about these things. They happen every time there is war. Just ask the people of Ukraine if they haven’t felt the reality described by these four symbols. (It’s  interesting that today we have with us the Luther College Norskkor. They sing in four voices: Tenor 1 and 2, Bass 1 and 2. Perhaps this morning, we should call them the Four Norsemen of  the Apocalypse?) Just before we get to our scene of heavenly worship, six of the seven seals are opened and the earth is reeling from the devastation. It’s as if John is telling his hearers that if they were depending on Rome to guarantee their safety and well-being, all those things can be taken away. Rome isn’t God. Rome can’t protect you.  

What do you rely on to protect you and your loved ones: pension funds or investments, Social  Security, insurance, job income, government? John would remind us that all these things can be  taken away, gone in an instant. Just ask the five million Ukrainian refugees. Remember just a  few months ago when we lost power in Decorah? We realized how dependent we are on  electricity to power much of our lives. The prophet John would remind us that all these things can be taken from us and that we should look to God, the ultimate source of life’s blessings. 

And at the end of chapter six, after the six seals have been opened with their devastations, we  hear someone ask the question: Who is able to stand? Have you ever heard people say, “I can  deal with one bad thing, two is stretching it, but three will overwhelm me.” Why is it that  sometimes in life bad things seem to pile up – war, refugees, economic collapse, poverty, starvation, disease and pandemic, global climate change? It’s not uncommon for one bad thing to follow another: an accident, a death, a diagnosis of cancer. These produce stress and can often lead to other problems. So, the question is: How do we survive, how do we stand? 

To answer that question, the prophet John takes us back up to heaven in chapter seven, and he  shows us a great multitude of people “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white.” He explains that  “These are they who have come out of the great ordeal; they have washed their robes and  made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

Do you know about that great ordeal? Have you ever experienced it? For me the first time was  when my father died. For four months we watched as dad fought leukemia and withered away.  That was a great ordeal. Things like that produce great stress in life which can impact our health. What have your ordeals been? 

Life itself can be an ordeal. And John’s answer to that is to invite us up to heaven for a worship  service. There in heaven we gather with a great host of people from all over the world. We  gather around the throne singing praise to the Lamb. In worship, we get our focus off of  our- selves and our problems, and we focus on God. We focus on the Lamb who has won for us a  great victory. We focus on the Lamb who becomes our Shepherd, who leads us to the water of  life and wipes the tears from our eyes. God does not promise that we will be spared from our  ordeals. There is no “Rapture” in the book of Revelation that spares the church from going  through tribulation. God promises to be with us in our ordeals, and God promises that we will  eventually come out of them and every tear wiped away.  

There have been many times in my ministry when people have come up to me after worship  and said, “You know, Pastor, I was thinking about not coming to church today. I was so tired,  but I came anyway. And I’m so glad I did. This was just what I needed.” John knew that too, and  that is why we have this vision of worship in heaven. It gives us the strength we need to carry  on in the struggle for justice and peace in our world today. And when that struggle gets to be  too much, we need to be reminded of God’s promises to us. That happens when we worship. 

There are some interesting images here. John tells us that the robes of those who have come  through the great ordeal have been washed clean in the blood of the Lamb. Have you ever tried  to wash blood stains out of clothing? It’s not easy. And yet here we have the symbol that Lamb’s blood makes clean. Lamb’s blood frees and makes whole again. Lamb’s blood brings comfort and hope. The saints aren’t standing before the throne because they are good or deserve a place in heaven. They are there by grace, washed clean in the waters of baptism, marked and sealed with the sign of the cross on their foreheads. No wonder the hosts of heaven stand before the throne singing praise to the Lamb, the one who guides them to the water of life and wipes every tear from their eyes.  

Our hymn of the day is a beloved one, ELW 425 in the Red Hymnal, Behold the Host Arrayed in  White. It’s a paraphrase of Revelation chapter seven. The words were written by a Danish  Pastor, and the music was written by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. That hymn was  sung at his funeral and has been sung at the funerals of countless people ever since. Whenever  I hear it, I can’t help but think of the many people I’ve known over the years, family and friends,  who are now before the throne, part of the great host of heaven. In my mind, I can look over  that crowd and see their faces. On this Mother’s Day, I especially think of my mother and grandmothers. In your imagination, I want you to look over that crowd. Whose faces do you see there? I’m guessing you see the faces of those who have loved you, those who have encourag- ed you, those who have had a great influence on your life. Let those faces remind you that God is with you, that Jesus has won a great victory, and that no matter what you are facing, Jesus  will see you through it and wipe every tear from your eyes.

Masks Recommended in Worship

On Thursday, May 5th, the CDC changed the COVID spread level within Winneshiek County to Yellow/Medium. Therefore, masks are now recommended in the building at Good Shepherd. Thank you.

Check the levels updated every Thursday by 8:00 pm here:

Sermon for Sunday, May 1, 2022 Third Sunday of Easter “Worthy is Christ, the Lamb Who Was Slain”

Rev. Dr. Rolf Svanoe – Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Decorah, Iowa

Revelation 5:1-14

Our text from Revelation this morning is the most important text in the book of Revelation. It reveals Christ as the Lamb who was slain. It reveals very clearly who God is and how God works in the world. I want to set this up for you by first telling you a story. In the fall of 1982, I spent a semester in Germany at a German Language School. I had a room in a private home. I rarely saw my host, but there was one meal a week that I shared with the family, Saturday brunch. Mostly we had good conversations as they tried to make this foreigner feel welcome. But some- times the conversation would turn to politics. When they spoke about World War II and Hitler, I heard a whole new way of viewing history. For me, raised and educated in the United States, Hitler was the embodiment of evil. But they didn’t see him that way at all. Hitler had done good things for the German people, restoring their pride and rebuilding the nation, putting people back to work. To them Hitler had been Der Führer, a wise and benevolent leader. He offered a vision of the future that was compelling to many Germans who were impoverished in the aftermath of World War I. At the time, many saw him as the Savior of Germany come to establish a perfect State – the Third Reich. “Heil Hitler!” was the Nazi salute and it meant literally, “salvation to Hitler.” It was a ritual that unified Germans. It impacted every part of public life. The Hitler salute showed one’s loyalty and allegiance to Hitler and his vision for the future. To refuse to give the Hitler salute was to invite suspicion and persecution. Many Germans followed Hitler with blind and unquestioning loyalty, and they truly believed in the glorious future he would bring them. It wasn’t until after the war that most Germans learned just how blind they had been. When the concentration camps were emptied, the world learned that it wasn’t salvation that Der Führer had come to bring.

What makes a good leader? What we look for in a leader says a lot about who we are, our values and our hopes and dreams. Every four years the people of the United States go through the process of electing a leader. We have a national struggle to define the kind of person we want to lead us. What we look for in a leader depends on what kind of future we envision for our country. It is all part of the process of trying to create a “more perfect union.” When times are difficult, we look for an individual with special gifts to lead the nation. We may look for qualities of intelligence, morals, or faith. Do we need an expert in business who can restore the economy? Do we need a strong military leader who can guarantee our security and status in the world? Who will make our lives better? Who will get us to the Promised Land?

These hopes and dreams are common to all people. How are we going to create a better world, a world where peace and justice exist for everyone? And who can help us create that better world? The answer to that question is what the prophet John shares with us in Chapter 5. “Then I saw in the right hand of the one seated on the throne a scroll sealed with seven seals.” Most scholars believe that the scroll represents God’s plan for the redemption of the world, a plan to establish God’s reign of justice and peace on the earth. John sees a mighty angel asking the question, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” In other words, who will accomplish God’s plan? Who will establish peace and justice throughout the earth? Who will lead us to a better world? John broke into tears when he learned that “no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it.” No human being had the knowledge or skill. No human being was capable or worthy.


You and I living today in the United States might hear that and yawn. What’s the big deal? But to Christians living back then in the Roman Empire, this statement was deeply political. Rome offered a compelling vision for the world. The Roman Emperors were worshiped as divine saviors of the world. They brought peace on earth. People hailed Caesar as their “Lord and God.” Roman propaganda was filled with images showing the gods on Rome’s side and touting the benefits of Roman rule. Rome boasted of its military power and that it alone could conquer the world and guarantee peace. That propaganda saturated every aspect of life in the ancient world – religious, political, social and economic. It was a vision that many people bought into. Temples for emperor worship were erected in three of the seven cities that John wrote to. Emperor worship was part of the glue that held the Empire together. But, according to John, it was all a lie. Caesar was not the savior of the world. In fact, no one was found worthy to accomplish God’s will and create a better world. Not Caesar! Not anyone!

At this, John describes how he began to weep bitterly. People need hope that somehow the fu- ture will be better than the past. They need to believe that someone somewhere is capable of solving their problems and making the world a better place. This is particularly true of people experiencing oppression. But then John says that he heard a loud voice. “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.” John dried his tears. That was exactly what he wanted. A lion is a strong and mighty animal, the king of the jungle. A lion could conquer and give victory over enemies. Isn’t that often what people want in a leader? And a Lion of the tribe of Judah reminded John of Israel’s greatest king, David, and pointed to a future coming king, a Messiah. That is very good news!

That was what John heard. But when John turned and looked, what he saw was just the opposite of his expectations. “Then I saw between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders a Lamb standing as if it had been slaughtered …” If the lion is at the top of the food chain, the lamb is pretty close to the bottom. A lamb is weak, innocent, and defenseless. In fact, the word for lamb that John uses is a diminutive, lamby or lambkin. And if that weren’t enough, this lamb is standing as if it had been slaughtered. It’s as if John wants to give us an image bereft of everything we usually associate with a strong leader. Who is worthy to open the scroll? Who can bring about God’s plan for the redemption of the world? It is NOT the Lion, nor any Caesar or Führer – it is the Lamb. And all the host of heaven fell before the Lamb and broke out into a chorus of passionate praise. “Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” How does God choose to change the world and bring about its salvation? It is not through power or coercion or the threat of violence. It is not through anything the world understands or values. God changes the world through love and forgiveness. God changes the world through the courageous and nonviolent stand for truth and justice, even if the cost is suffering and death. John describes the Lamb as having seven horns. A horn was a symbol of power, and seven was a symbol for completeness. Where does complete power lie? It lies in the lamb that was slaughtered. It is what one author calls, “lamb-power.” Lamb-power is the wisdom of God that is foolishness to the world, for God’s weakness is stronger than human strength (1 Corinthians 1:25).

Let me take you back to Germany and give you an example of what I mean. In 2010 I led a tour to Germany to visit the sites where Martin Luther had lived. When we drove through Leipzig our guide showed us a large building that had housed the Stasi, a nickname for the East German Secret Police. They employed thousands of people all intent on spying on their fellow East Germans to control them and force them into obedience. That is the way the world often works, with fear, coercion and threats of violence. That building is today a museum, a monument to the ways the East German government tried to control the population and maintain its power.

What happened? How did change come? In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. One of the epicenters for change was the Nikolai Church in Leipzig. While political demonstrations were outlawed, every Monday night at 5:00 the church held a prayer meeting. These prayer meetings became so popular because it was one of the few ways East Germans could meet to express their desire for change. By the summer of 1989, thousands of people were meeting there every week, yearning for a change in their lives and their leaders. That yearning came to a head on October 9. Over 70,000 East German citizens gathered around the Nikolai Church. Hundreds of fully armed police and soldiers had been imported to Leipzig. Hospitals were told to prepare for casualties. The pastor of Nikolai Church was named Christian Führer. That night those who gathered heard the words of Jesus from the Beatitudes. “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Jesus’ words that day were not a call to arms. His was not a call to battle, but a call to nonviolence, a call to be peacemakers, a call to love enemies and pray for persecutors. Pastor Führer described what happened next:

More than 2,000 people leaving the church were welcomed by tens of thousands waiting outside with candles in their hands. I will never forget this moment. A person needs two hands to carry a candle one to hold it and the other to protect the flameso you can’t carry sticks or stones at the same time. The miracle happened. Jesus’ spirit of nonviolence seized the masses and transformed them into a real and peaceful, powerful presence. Troops and police officers were drawn in and became engaged in conversations. The crowds chanted, “No violence,” and the police withdrew.

The Leipzig Communist Security Chief wanted to subdue the rebellion. His police force was well-armed. Soldiers with machine guns stood on top of nearby buildings. But the order to fire was never given. Later on, the Security Chief admitted, “We planned everything. We were prepared for everything, except for candles and prayers.” One month later the Wall came down.

How do you change the world? How do you make it a better place? How do you bring about God’s reign on the earth? Not with guns and bullets, but with candles and prayers. Not with powerful armies, but with the Word of God. Not with a lion, but with a lamb. Der Führer offered Germany a lion, but Pastor Führer offered them the Lamb that was slain. This is the wisdom of God that is foolishness to the world: that true and lasting change can only come to the world by a Lamb.

Our Lamb, Jesus Christ, loves us, forgives us, and calls us today to follow him in the nonviolent struggle for peace and justice in our world.