This Week at Good Shepherd, May 25-31

Monday, May 25 – Memorial Day, Office Closed

Tuesday, May 26
7:00 pm – CLA Circle, Sharon Drew, Hostess

Wednesday, May 27
No Men’s Breakfast
8:00 pm – Band Rehearsal

Saturday, May 30
5:00 pm – Holy Trinity Service with Holy Communion

Sunday, May 31
9:30 am – Holy Trinity Service with Holy Communion
10:30 am – Fellowship Time with Refreshments in Fellowship Hall
10:45 am – Church Forum – Path to Citizenship with panelists Dave Judisch, Ruth Palmer (St. Benedict Catholic Parish), and Kathi Mitchell (First United Methodist Church). Information about this northeast Iowa organization comprised of a coalition of Decorah area faith group, its work with people who need assistance with immigration issues, and how we can support its mission through volunteerism and fund raising will be presented.

KWLC Broadcasts – An Update

imagesOn Luther graduation day, KWLC has traditionally broadcast a recording of the Luther baccalaureate service from the evening before in place of the local Lutheran church service scheduled that morning.  This year graduation falls on 5/24/15, which is a Good Shepherd Sunday, so unfortunately the GS service won’t be broadcast this coming Sunday.

The next Good Shepherd Sunday broadcast will be 6/14/15.  Since there is no Luther College Sunday service during the summer, the Good Shepherd services will be broadcast live this summer.


This Week at Good Shepherd, May 18-24

GSlogoSmallerMonday, May 18
10:30 am – Pastor April at Aase Haugen Home

Tuesday, May 19
7:00 pm – Congregation Council

Wednesday, May 20
7:30 am – Men’s Breakfast
1:00-3:00 pm – Prayer Shawl Ministry at Jane Borelli’s
4:45 pm – Confirmation
7:00 pm – Senior Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm – Records Management/Retention Task Force Meeting
8:00 pm – Band Rehearsal

Thursday, May 21
Newsletter Deadline
10:00-11:30 am – Bible Study with Pastor April
3:00-5:00 pm – Sam Raisch Recital in Sanctuary
5:00-6:30 pm – Decorah Community Meal at First Lutheran Church

Saturday, May 23
5:00 pm – Day of Pentecost Service with Holy Communion

Sunday, May 24
8:45 am – Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am – Day of Pentecost Service and Celebration with Holy Communion
10:30 am – Fellowship Time

The Pentecost celebration will include seeing, wearing, and eating RED, the liturgical color of the day. Our altar and pulpit paraments, the gates in the weavings, and sanctuary flowers will be red; Pastor April urges us to wear red; the food served during Fellowship time will be red; and red pinwheels and small flags will line the entry sidewalks. The service will begin and end with a procession

Luther Choir Jubilus to Perform, May 16

Luther Student Chamber Choir “Jubilus” to Perform at Good Shepherd, Saturday, May 16

il_fullxfull.224312765This sixteen-member, student-led choral chamber ensemble’s concert will take place at 1:00 pm in Good Shepherd’s sanctuary. Participation in Jubilus allows the members, future music educators, to direct the works performed, practice their craft, and enjoy more time singing. Their program includes works by Victoria, Bruckner, Paulus, Esenvalds, and new works by Luther students Scott Senko and James Deignan.

A Baby Grand Piano For Good Shepherd!

Congregation members Jennifer Self and Brooke Joyce, Music Director, are pleased to donate this lovely, old Estey piano, which has been in their home for the past ten years, to Good Shepherd. Brooke reports that the piano was built in 1918 or 1919, and that Estey pianos were well-built, practical, robust instruments for home use, not necessarily intended for the concert stage. Prior to its place in the Self/Joyce home, it was used in an Eyota, MN, area church. How did the 450 pound piano get to Good Shepherd?  If you were doing church yard clean-up on a recent Thursday afternoon, you would have seen four Luther wrestlers pushing and guiding a dolly with the piano safely strapped to it from its home on Fifth Avenue, down Ohio Street and Iowa Avenue to its new home. The piano, which eventually will be situated on a dolly for ease of movement, is in place in our sanctuary next to the Hook & Hastings organ and is enriching our worship services and the congregation’s love of music.

Four Luther Student Wrestlers have no problem wrangling this piano through the streets of Decorah.

Four Luther Student Wrestlers have no problem wrangling this piano through the streets of Decorah.

A brief meeting takes place in deciding the perfect destination.

A brief meeting takes place in deciding the perfect destination.


Joyce is tempted in changing his mind, and rolling the piano back to his home.