Depot Awards $2,000 Grant for LED Lighting


The Depot Outlet in Decorah has recently awarded a grant of $2,000 to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church for its LED Lighting Initiative.  The congregation‘s goal was to relamp 100% of its interior and exterior lighting.

Following an energy audit of the church in 2014, it was determined that further energy savings, beyond the church’s Energy Star status received in 2013, would be to convert all existing lighting to LED lighting.  This involved every bulb/fixture throughout the entire interior of the building as well as parking lot lights, exterior signage and entry lights, and installation of occupancy sensors for all hallway and restroom lighting.

These improvements provide significant energy savings of nearly 9,000 watts of lighting over those previously used. It will dramatically improve lighting throughout the facility as well as provide uniformity, enhance security and significantly lower maintenance costs. Congregation President Jim Fritz, who led the initiative to improve the lighting, was assisted by Keith Donlon of Decorah Electric and a corps of volunteers from the congregation.

Fritz commented that “These lighting upgrades are an important investment of our energy resources.  It also continues the path towards energy self-sufficiency that has been a hallmark of Good Shepherd.”   Interim Pastor April Ulring Larson also noted that this initiative would make the church more welcoming and hospitable, allowing it to shine its light more strongly.

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Jean Swiggum Farewell

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A Farewell and Godspeed litany for long-time Good Shepherd member Jean Swiggum was conducted by Pastor April and congregation president Jim Fritz during worship services on Sunday, June 14.  Jean will be leaving Decorah on June 18 to live in Cedar Falls.  The farewell and send-off continued during Fellowship Time after the service.

This Week at Good Shepherd, June 15-21

Tuesday, June 16
7:00 pm – Congregation Council meeting

Thursday, June 18
5:00-6:30 pm – Decorah Community Meal at First Lutheran Church

Saturday, June 20
5:00 pm – Worship Service with Holy Communion

Sunday, June 21
9:30 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion and Baptism of William Kyle Joyce
10:30 am – Special Congregation Meeting in Fellowship Hall

New Roof for Annex and Shed

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From Friday morning, June 5 to Saturday noon, June 6, a hearty crew of 17 Good Shepherd volunteers shingled the Annex and Shed with 14 squares (1,400 sq. ft.) of new asphalt architectural shingles, guaranteed to last 20 years. The crew did the installation with donated equipment including two nail guns and compressors. The area was cleaned up utilizing a dumpster, plywood and tarps, and a roller magnet. This installation is an extension of the Good Shepherd physical renewal and revitalization projects initiated with the 25th Anniversary celebrations.

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Good Shepherd Service – Sunday, June 14

Good Shepherd’s Sunday, June 14, Worship Service To Be Broadcast Live on KWLC, 1240 AM.  The worship service with Holy Communion begins at 9:30 am, with Pastor April Ulring Larson presiding.  The service begins with the order for Blessing of the Sanctuary Piano and includes a Farewell and Godspeed for Jean Swiggum.