Catherine Moeller’s Experience with AmeriCorps



This past year Catherine Moeller has served with AmeriCorps in Salinas, California, working with Hispanic children, most of whom are children of migrant workers. This experience prepared her well for her call to ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission program where she will spend next year in Mexico doing service work for the church. Photos documenting her experiences in Salinas are posted to illustrate this article.

Saturday field trip to Point Lobos State Natural Reserve with kids who participated in an After School Program throughout the school year.


1st grade class doing a Mexican dance.


Jose reads a story to his classmates during summer school.


Catherine is being supported by Good Shepherd as a farewell gift to honor Pastor April’s service with the congregation. The farewell celebration honoring Pastor April is scheduled for Sunday, July 26.




Pastor Bradley C. Hanson to Preside

hansonbrad2007-12Congregation member Pastor Brad Hanson will preside at the services of Holy Communion Wednesday, July 8 and Sunday, July 12. Pastor Hanson is professor emeritus of religion at Luther College. When he retired from teaching in 2000, he helped found and became director and then in 2011 co-director of Luther’s Grace Institute for Spiritual Formation, which offers a two year Spiritual Formation Program. His 2014 book Spirituality and Your Life Story continues a long time involvement in and writing on Christian spirituality. Brad received his B.A. degree from St. Olaf College, M.Div. from Luther Seminary, M.A. From Yale University, and Ph..D. from Princeton Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Marion, have been long-time and active members of the Good Shepherd congregation.

Photo credit: Personal photo submitted by Hanson.


James L. Bakke Celebration of Life Visitation

Good Shepherd member James L. Bakke, age 73, of Postville and formerly of Decorah, IA, died Sunday morning, July 5, 2015, at his home in Postville.

A Celebration of Life Visitation will be from 3:00-7:00 p.m. Thursday, July 9, 2015 at Fjelstul Funeral Home in Decorah.

James is survived by his wife Cathy and three children: Cathy Blair, Jamee Xiya and David Bakke.  Good Shepherd members are providing refreshments at the visitation.

This Week at Good Shepherd, July 6-12

imagesWednesday, July 8
5:30 pm – Wednesday Evening Service with Holy Communion, Pastor Brad Hanson, presiding

Sunday, July 12
8:45 am – Handbell Rehearsal
9:30 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion, Pastor Brad Hanson, presiding; Handbell musical offerings
10:30 am – Time of Fellowship in Fellowship Hall – All are welcome!

First Summer Evening Worship Service


IMG_0285Thirty-two worshipers gathered on Wednesday, July 1, for Good Shepherd’s first Worship In the Backyard With Food and Fellowship evening service. Pastor Mike Blair presided at the service of Holy Communion. He, with accompaniment by Brooke Joyce playing the melodica, led the congregation in singing Ben Larson’ liturgy Behold, I Make All Things New and hymns.

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Chairs were set up in a shaded area near one of the garden beds on the south side of the church. Pastor Blair’s message and prayers, choice of scriptures and hymns, and the setting celebrated reverence for nature and our place in God’s creation. The picnic potluck, with grilled brats and hotdogs and a perfect selection of salads and desserts, was served in the Fellowship Hall on this cool evening.

These 5:30 Wednesday evening worship services with Holy Communion will continue through August and be held outdoors followed by a potluck meal as announced. Consult the News/Events Blog or the WORSHIP Tab for schedule updates.
