Assistant to the Bishop Rev. Stephen Brackett will be representing the Northeastern Iowa Synod at the installation service for Pastor Amy Zalk Larson on September 13. Rev. Brackett began his new call in March 2015. Prior to that time, he served as pastor of St. Paul, Postville, from 2005-2015. Rev. Brackett’s primary areas of responsibility include representing the Bishop in the call process and serving in ministry for leadership development, support and training for rostered leaders. Rev. Brackett earned a BA in Psychology from Coe College and an MS in Rehabilitation Counseling from Boston University. His Master of Divinity degree was earned at Wartburg Theological Seminary. Brackett and his wife, Susan, are the parents of three children.
Rev. Stephen Brackett to Represent NE Iowa Synod at Installation Service
This Week at Good Shepherd, August 3-9
Tuesday, August 4
Mary Circle, Sharon Drew, Hostess
Wednesday, August 5
5:30 pm – Outdoor Worship Service, Pr. Richard Simon Hanson presiding
Sunday, August 9
9:30 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion, Pr. Richard Simon Hanson presiding
10:30 am – Time of Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!
Pastor Amy’s Schedule
Pastor Amy’s office hours will be: Monday 1:00-3:00; Tuesday 10:00-12:00; Wednesday 10:30-12:30; Thursday 10:00-12:00; and Friday off. Her first day in the office will be Monday, August 10. Her cell phone number is 563-379-5098.
Welcome for Pastor Amy Zalk Larson
Pastor Amy Zalk Larson is planning to start her schedule as the new pastor at Good Shepherd on Monday, August 10. The formal Installation service is still in the planning stages but is scheduled for Sunday, September 13. It will be on the same day as the Welcome Neighbors Picnic. Interim pastors will serve the two weeks between the end of Pastor April’s service and the beginning of the pastorate of Pastor Amy.
Continual updates on the transition and the welcome for Pastor Amy will be posted on the Good Shepherd website on this blog and under the “About” tab on the homepage. Updates will also be posted on the Good Shepherd Facebook and Google+ pages.
This Week at Good Shepherd – July 27-August 2
Wednesday, July 29
5:30 pm – Worship Service, Pr. Richard Simon Hanson, presiding
Sunday, August 2
9:30 am – Worship Service, Pr. Richard Simon Hanson, presiding
10:30 am – Refreshments in Fellowship Hall – all are welcome!