This Week at Good Shepherd, August 3-9


Tuesday, August 4
Mary Circle, Sharon Drew, Hostess

Wednesday, August 5
5:30 pm – Outdoor Worship Service, Pr. Richard Simon Hanson presiding

Sunday, August 9
9:30 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion, Pr. Richard Simon Hanson presiding
10:30 am – Time of Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall.  All are welcome!

Pastor Amy’s Schedule

Pastor Amy’s office hours will be:  Monday 1:00-3:00; Tuesday 10:00-12:00; Wednesday 10:30-12:30; Thursday 10:00-12:00; and Friday off. Her first day in the office will be Monday, August 10.  Her cell phone number is 563-379-5098.

Welcome for Pastor Amy Zalk Larson

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Pastor Amy Zalk Larson is planning to start her schedule as the new pastor at Good Shepherd on Monday, August 10. The formal Installation service is still in the planning stages but is scheduled for Sunday, September 13. It will be on the same day as the Welcome Neighbors Picnic. Interim pastors will serve the two weeks between the end of Pastor April’s service and the beginning of the pastorate of Pastor Amy.

Continual updates on the transition and the welcome for Pastor Amy will be posted on the Good Shepherd website on this blog and under the “About” tab on the homepage. Updates will also be posted on the Good Shepherd Facebook and Google+ pages.

This Week at Good Shepherd – July 27-August 2

Wednesday, July 29
5:30 pm – Worship Service, Pr. Richard Simon Hanson, presiding

Sunday, August 2
9:30 am – Worship Service, Pr. Richard Simon Hanson, presiding
10:30 am – Refreshments in Fellowship Hall – all are welcome!

Sundaes on Sunday – Thank You!

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A huge Good Shepherd thank you to all who helped make the “Sundaes on Sunday” farewell celebration for Pastor April such a success.   The service was special in every way with guest musicians Kate Blair, Suzanne Ernst, Peter Calhoun, and Erik Berg playing.  The Hymn Sing before-hand was well attended with robust, enthusiastic singing.  Hand-picked wild flowers decorated the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall to enhance the picnic feel of a summer celebration. The sundaes were made especially scrumptious with toppings donated by Amalia Vagts and David Lester from the Coop.  President Jim Fritz presided to provide a short program.

And most importantly, the congregation’s generous donations exceeded the goal for supporting Catherine Moeller’s call to serve with the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program in Mexico.  Any funds raised beyond the $4,000 goal support the future development and expansion of the YAGM program.  Besides this virtual gift in honor of Pastor April’s ministry, a book of photos taken during her time with Good Shepherd and a cashmere wool sheep were presented to her.

The names of other helpers are so numerous that rather than trying to list them all, a general “thank you” is extended instead. People  pulled together in the Good Shepherd tradition to clean up, restore order, and prepare the church for another week of activities. Submitted by:  Farewell Steering Committee, Jane Kemp, Elizabeth Kaschins, Jeri Laursen, and Norma Refsal.  Photos:  Norma Refsal

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