Fall Worship Schedule Announced

Sunday, August 30, 9:30 am – Worship services with weekly Holy Communion will switch to using the Gospel Liturgy, Evangelical Lutheran Worship’s Communion Setting 6.

Wednesdays in September, 5:30 pm – Evening Vespers with Holy Communion using the Holden Evening Prayer liturgy.

Following Vespers, 6:15 pm – Food and Faitha simple meal and intergenerational conversation about faith, scripture and life. Supper will be provided; a free will donation will be collected.

Picnic Table Renewal

Sanding 1

The three picnic tables which have given such faithful service to Good Shepherd ever since they were donated by the Kentucky Fried Chicken manager many years ago, have had a renewal.  Dan Raney and Jane Kemp selected the treated lumber for the tops and seats. Dan dismantled the tables and Ed Hover repurposed the old boards for the Good Shepherd/Hover garden.  After Dan sanded and spray painted the metal frames, Jane Jakoubek, Mary Klimesh, and Harley Refsal sanded the boards.  The boards will be sealed next spring after they have seasoned for several months.

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Pastor Amy Zalk Larson Begins Her Pastorate at Good Shepherd


Pastor Amy Zalk Larson began her pastorate at Good Shepherd the week of August 10 with a Wednesday night worship service on August 12 followed by a Sunday worship service on August 16.  Special music was provided on Sunday by Heather Armstrong (oboe), Spencer Martin (viola), Kathryn Reed (organ), and Andy Whitfield (voice).  Jonathan Struve served as cantor.  Music Director Brooke Joyce coordinated the music selections with Pastor Amy and the musicians.  Catherine Moeller, who will be joining the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program, was present before leaving for her assignment in Mexico.   The installation service for Pastor Amy will be held on Sunday, September 13.

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Meet our Temporary Administrative Assistant!


Our temporary Administrative Assistant, Jenny Werner, started working in the Good Shepherd office on Monday, August 17.  Jenny lives in the neighborhood near the church.  She will be working in the office until a permanent Administrative Assistant is hired.  Currently her office hours are 8:00 am – 12:00 noon.

This Week at Good Shepherd, August 17-23


Wednesday, August 19
5:30 pm – Last Backyard Worship Service with Holy Communion
6:30 pm – Cookout Potluck Picnic with Campfire.
7:00 pm – Campfire for S’More’s

Thursday, August 20
Newsletter Deadline – send material to goodshepherd@q.com
5:00 – 6:30 pm – Decorah Community Meal at First Lutheran

Sunday, August 23
9:30 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion; Fellowship Time follows service

SAVE THE DATE – SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 — Installation of Pastor Amy and Welcome Friends and Neighbors Picnic – Details will be forthcoming