Pastor Amy Zalk Larson Installed


Pastor Amy Zalk Larson was formally installed as the fifth pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at a Festival Worship Service on Sunday, September 13.  A group of children formed part of the procession to begin the service. Special music was provided by the Good Shepherd choir, band and other musicians. Assistant to the Bishop Rev. Stephen Brackett represented the Northeastern Iowa Synod of the ELCA at the Worship Service serving as preacher and installer.

A reception followed the service where Pastor Amy was presented with a welcome prayer shawl.  She was introduced to the wider community at the annual Good Shepherd Welcome Friends and Neighbors Picnic held later that day.

For the past ten years, Pastor Amy has served as campus pastor at Luther College where she worked with the Luther Student Congregation as well as students, faculty and staff. Previously, she was the Pastor of Education and Family Life at First Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls, MN and the Intern Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Ottawa, IL.

Pastor Amy graduated from Luther College with a BA in religion earned in 1996 and received an MDiv degree from Luther Seminary in 2000.

She is married to Pastor Matt Larson, who is pastor of the Burr Oak-Hesper Lutheran parishes in the Decorah area.  They are the parents of two children, Nathan and Abby.

Photo:  Clara Knudson



Cheryl and Joel Ruiz to be New Custodians


The new custodians at Good Shepherd are Cheryl and Joel Ruiz, who have already begun their cleaning.  Cheryl and Joel both work at Northern Engraving but are able to help out at the church as well.  They have two sons, Michael and Anthony.  Cheryl, Joel and Anthony grilled brats and chicken for the recent Welcome Friends and Neighbors picnic in the Good Shepherd backyard.

This Week at Good Shepherd, September 14-20


Wednesday, September 16
7:30 am – Men’s Breakfast
5:30 pm – Service of Evening Vespers with Holy Communion using Holden Evening Prayer
6:15 pm – Food and Faith – Simple Supper provided; intergenerational conversations
7:00 pm – Choir Rehearsal
8:00 pm – Band Rehearsal

Thursday, September 17
5:00-6:30 pm – Decorah Community Meal at First Lutheran

Saturday, September 19
9:00 am – 12:00 noon – United Way Book Sale, Fellowship Hall

Sunday, September 20 – Rally Sunday
9:30 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion
10:30 am – Fellowship and Refreshments in Fellowship Hall
10:45 am – Sunday School Kick-off/Adult Forum

Welcome Friends and Neighbors Picnic, Sunday, September 13

IMG_1366 The annual Welcome Friends and Neighbors Picnic is being held in the backyard at Good Shepherd again this year from 5:00-6:30 pm on Sunday, September 13. Grilled brats will be served along with an array of salads, desserts and beverages. Live musical entertainment will be played during the picnic.

A special event this year will be the opportunity to meet our new pastor and her family.  Pastor Amy Zalk Larson is to be installed at a special festival worship service in the morning,  She will begin her pastorate as the fifth pastor at Good Shepherd in its over 50 year history.  Pastor Amy is eager to meet the many guests who attend this picnic.

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Installation for Pastor Amy Zalk Larson, Sunday, September 13


_DSC0638Pastor Amy Zalk Larson will formally be installed at a Festival Worship Service on Sunday, September 13, at 9:30 am.  A procession of children will meet at 9:20 am to start the service. Both the choir and band will play and a reception will follow the service.   Area pastors have been invited to vest and process. A special offering for ELCA World Hunger will be taken. The annual Welcome Friends and Neighbors Picnic will be held in the Good Shepherd backyard later in the day from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Assistant to the Bishop Rev. Stephen Brackett will be representing the Northeastern Iowa Synod at the installation service.  Rev. Brackett began his call March 2015.  Prior to that time, he served as pastor of St. Paul, Postville, from 2005-2015.  Rev. Brackett’s primary areas of responsibility include representing the Bishop in the call process and serving in ministry for leadership development, support and training for rostered leaders.  Rev. Brackett earned a BA in Psychology from Coe College and an MS in Rehabilitation Counseling from Boston University.  His Master of Divinity degree was earned at Wartburg Theological Seminary. Brackett and his wife, Susan, are the parents of three children.