Update on Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis

MIDDLE EAST AND EUROPE REFUGEE CRISIS A record number of refugees and migrants from the Middle East are fleeing war and poverty and making a terrifying, life-threatening journey to find a safer, better way of life in Europe.

As a church, we are called to respond. Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to meeting basic humanitarian needs and upholding the rights of those fleeing war and crisis. We are working with our companion churches – the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary and the Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia – and The Lutheran World Federation to provide food, diapers, blankets, water, health kits, hygiene kits and psychosocial services to assist those who have fled their homes.  We are also in communication with our church companions in Germany as they receive tens of thousands of refugees.

Your prayers and support are needed now for immediate relief. Gifts designated for the Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis will be used in full (100 percent) to assist those directly impacted. Please make your check to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and write in the memo line, Refugee Crisis. If you wish to sign a petition asking the White House to admit another 100,000 Syrian refugees please go to http://wh.gov/iR9hZ

Special Offering for Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis

The Social Justice Committee asks the congregation to respond to the Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis. A special offering will be collected this Sunday, September 27.


A record number of refugees and migrants from the Middle East are fleeing war and poverty and making a terrifying, life-threatening journey to find a safer, better way of life in Europe. Although they come from different countries, for various reasons, they share a common goal: hope for a brighter future. As conflicts continue, especially in Syria and Iraq, the number of people seeking safety and basic necessities is on the rise.

As a church, we are called to respond. Lutheran Disaster Response <www.ELCA.org/disaster> is committed to meeting basic humanitarian needs and upholding the rights of those fleeing war and crisis. We are working with our companion churches – the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary and the Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia – and The Lutheran World Federation to provide food, diapers, blankets, water, health kits, hygiene kits and psychosocial services to assist those who have fled their homes.  We are also in communication with our church companions in Germany as they receive tens of thousands of refugees.

Your prayers and support are needed now for immediate relief. Gifts designated for the Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis will be used in full (100 percent) to assist those directly impacted.

Please make your check to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and write in the memo line, Refugee Crisis.

Erik Berg Refurbishes Good Shepherd Sign


Erik Berg has refurbished the Good Shepherd exterior sign after several weeks of painstaking work.  Erik is a professional designer, especially trained to design and create signs.

After the old sign was removed from the base, Erik stripped away mold and mildew with a deck wash product.  He then clamped the pieces of the redwood sign together, using a melding product to strengthen the wood. Redwood lumber donated by neighbor Dean Thompson and treated lumber were affixed to the back of the sign to mount it to the brick base.


Gold leaf was carefully applied with cotton balls to the shepherd’s crook-cross logo to make it glow.  New paint refreshed the sign on all sides.   The name of Pastor Amy Zalk Larson was added as were the new hours for worship services.  Phase two will include adding the ELCA and RIC logos.  The sign was donated by the Sunde family in memory of David Sunde.

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This Week at Good Shepherd, September 21-27


Tuesday, September 22
7:00 pm – C.L.A. Circle Meeting, Marie Freerking hosting

Wednesday, September 23
7:30 am – Men’s Breakfast
2:00 pm – Pastor Amy at Aase Haugen
5:30 pm – Service of Evening Vespers with Holy Communion using Holden Evening Prayer
6:15 pm – Food and Faith – Simple Supper provided; intergenerational conversations
7:00 pm – Choir Rehearsal
8:00 pm – Band Rehearsal

Sunday, September 27
9:30 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion
10:30 am – Fellowship Hour
10:45 am – Sunday School (Youth Sunday School/Confirmation in pastor’s office)
10:50 am – Adult Forum: Church Council Caucus.  Narthex.
(Special session for Church Council members on how we can use Adult Education facilitation to strengthen Good Shepherd committees and ministries.  ALL COMMITTEE CHAIRS INVITED.)

Meet Erika Lozano, new Administrative Assistant!


Erika Lozano began working as the Administrative Assistant at Good Shepherd on September 16, 2015.  Erika is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in Wildlife Biology.  She came to Decorah for a summer position as a wildlife biologist, loved the area, and decided to stay.  She is from Key Largo, Florida. Erika’s office  hours are M-F, 8:00 am – Noon.