Holy Week Devotions, March 20-27

Holy Weekl

Good Shepherd – Lent 2016

Holy Week, March 20-27

Coming to Our Senses:  Returning to God

This week let the sounds, images and scents of Holy Week scriptures call you to return to God.


Click on the link below for the full devotion for this week.

Holy Week Devotions

Palm Sunday Plans at Good Shepherd

IMG_2834On Palm Sunday, the congregation will process from the narthex into the sanctuary before the service, using all three aisles. Congregants will carry palms distributed by the ushers and Altar Guild representatives. Palms will also be distributed to people who prefer to sit in the sanctuary.

IMG_2833          IMG_2832

The liturgical colors for the Sunday of the Passion or Palm Sunday, are scarlet, the deep red color of the crucifixion, or purple, the color used throughout Lent.  At Good Shepherd, the gates in the weavings have been changed to scarlet with black crosses.  The altar and pulpit paraments are those in place since the beginning of Lent, but note the areas of scarlet woven into them by Barbara Berg.  Pastor Amy’s stole also was woven with purple and scarlet threads.  Sunday of the Passion begins Holy Week and is the last Sunday in Lent.  These gates and paraments will remain in place through Maundy Thursday.







Spring Lawn Clean-Up Begins!


Photo 1Since Easter is so early, and it looks like spring may also be early this year, the lawn and beds at Good Shepherd have received a preliminary clean-out.  Reg Laursen contributed his trailer. Jerry Frank raked out the entire front lawn and also hauled the debris away using his truck and Reg’s trailer. Harley and Norma Refsal and Jane Kemp trimmed out the sedum, spirea, and grasses in the beds. Arrangements have been made with the Luther College student congregation for students to help with additional landscaping chores during their Spring Fling initiative on April 23. We are ready for warm temperatures and spring rains!

Photo 2   Photo 4   Photo 5

Palm/Passion Sunday


On Palm/Passion Sunday, the Good Shepherd congregation will gather outside the center doors of the church for an opening litany and a procession with palms into the sanctuary. If it is raining or too cold, the congregation will gather in the Fellowship Hall.

Our Eco-Palms are from Lutheran World Relief.  Using Eco-Palms makes a big difference in the lives of palm harvesters and their communities. Eco-Palms not only pay harvesters a fair price, they also promote sustainable harvesting practices that create long-lasting sources of income.


News & Events, March 14-20


News Events

Tuesday, March 15
5:45 p.m. – Stewardship Committee- Pr. Amy’s office
7:00 p.m. – Congregational Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 16
7:30 a.m.- Men’s Breakfast
12:15 p.m.- Lent Organ Recital by Brad Schultz (note time change)
1:00 p.m. – Prayer Shawl Ministry, Jeri Laursen hosts
3:30 p.m. – Education Committee
5:30 p.m.- Lenten Wednesday Worship/Holden Evening Prayer Service; LWR Baskets of Promise Kits: Soap
6:15 p.m. – Lenten Soup Supper, Puppet Ministry SS Room with Sue Blair
7:00 p.m. – Choir rehearsal
8:00 p.m. – Band Rehearsal

Thursday, March 17
5:00 p.m. – Community Meal at First Lutheran

Sunday, March 20
9:30 a.m. – Worship with Holy Communion, Palm/Passion Sunday
10:30 a.m. – Fellowship Hour – Coffee Sale
10:45 a.m.- Sunday School in Sanctuary, Youth SS/Confirmation w/PA

SUNDAY SCHOOL We will not meet on Easter Sunday. Our themes from Desmond Tutu’s “Children of God” storybook are:

  • March 13th – Jesus in the Desert, Matthew 4
  • March 20th – Jesus’ Last Meal, Matthew 26