Sermon for July 31, 2022 Traveling with the Spirit Summer Series “Open to Change”

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Decorah, IA – Rev. Amy Zalk Larson
Scripture: Acts 15:1-12
Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus. Amen.
This summer, as Good Shepherd has been traveling with the Spirit,
worship has featured pilgrimage psalms- psalms prayed while traveling to holy places.
Last week during the youth trip, our Decorah group got to take our own pilgrimage- to the George Floyd Global Memorial.
The community around the memorial has organized to offer what they call pilgrimage tours to help guests to enter that sacred space.
What we saw and learned at the memorial changed us.
Like those apostles in Acts, whose eyes were opened to God’s presence among the Gentiles, our eyes were opened to God’s presence in the community around the George Floyd memorial.
I’m excited to tell you more about it today.
Yet our pilgrimage to the memorial opened my eyes in other ways.
It also helped me recognize that so much of what we did on the trip, and so much of all our lives, is about pilgrimage- about learning to recognize what is holy all around us, as we travel through this life.
First, I want to tell you about the George Floyd Global Memorial.
It has truly become a holy place.
Hearts are broken open. There is space to grieve. Black bodies are honored.
Resilience, justice, and community are celebrated and nurtured.
Our pilgrimage tour guides were Marquise, Georgio, and Kendrick.
As we took in the art, the flowers, and the Say Their Names cemetery, our guides shared about their painful experiences with the Minneapolis police, about loved ones lost to gun violence.
They introduced us to a man who’d been wrongfully imprisoned for 18 years. The guides shared honestly about the challenges while still remaining hopeful, after each painful story Kendrick would say, “where there’s people, there’s power.” They hoped we would use our power to join in the work of racial justice.
We also met Jay, a man who runs a plant hospital at the site.
He receives dying houseplants, restores them, and then finds new homes for them at the memorial garden.
Jay came over to our group and started preaching the Gospel.
He told us the key to world peace is two words- you matter, you matter.
What would have happened, he asked us, if Derek Chauvin had seen George Floyd and recognized “you matter”?
What would happen if we all approached ourselves and one another with that awareness- “you matter”?
You matter not because of what you do or think or achieve,
not because of your appearance, job, degrees, or number of followers- you matter, period.
It sounds so simple, yet we continually need our eyes opened
to this truth about ourselves, this truth about others.
Each person is God’s beloved, each person can help us to know more of God.
Our lives are a journey, a pilgrimage,
of learning to recognize the holy within ourselves, others, all of creation.
In that sense, our whole youth trip was a pilgrimage.
As we served, played, danced, sang, laughed, ate, napped, and toured together- we got the chance to experience God in other people and in God’s beautiful world.
It is so easy to overlook God’s presence in others.
We judge, we stand at a distance, we fear.
Yet the good news is that God is committed to opening our eyes again and again.
God has made a pilgrimage to us- traveling to be with us in Christ Jesus, coming among us to honor this holy, sacred earth and each life here. God, in Christ, is now present everywhere, in all people.
God is at work to help us know that each person and all creation matters, to let this truth shape how we live and play, love and serve.
You matter.
Let that truth sink in and change you again today.
Now we get to hear from our youth about how they were impacted by the trip.

7/29 – Masks Required in Worship

As of Thursday, July 28th the CDC updated the weekly COVID Alert Level to High, RED.
Good Shepherd’s Response:
– The CDC recommends indoor masking at this level
– Masks required in worship
– Communion with pre-packaged servings
– Masks encouraged in the building, may be removed with the consent of all present
Read the full Good Shepherd COVID response plan here:

Blessed be the Memory of Joanne Kramer

Blessed be the memory of Joanne Kramer, mother to Good Shepherd member Kerry Johnson.
Joanne Kramer, 86, of Manchester, Iowa, passed away on Thursday, July 14, 2022, at the Good Neighbor Home in Manchester due to complications from Progressive Supranuclear Palsy which she struggled with for a number of years.
Blessed be the memory of Joanne. 

Sermon for Sunday, July 24, 2022  Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Traveling With the Spirit – “God’s Mission for the Life of the World”

Rev. Rolf Svanoe

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church    Decorah, Iowa

Acts 13: 1-5 

It’s good to be back home, here in Decorah and here at Good Shepherd. I was scheduled to be here June 26, but came down with COVID after singing with the Luren Singers and 110 men at the biennial Sangerfest held in Madison, Wisconsin. My COVID isolation ended in time for our three-week trip to Norway. We attended a cousin’s wedding in Bergen, and then had some family time at a summer cabin by a fjord. We traveled to the east coast of Norway to connect with Kimberly’s family. And I spent two days with cousins I had corresponded with but never met before. And then it was back to Bergen to meet a small tour group and take a six-day cruise up the coast to the top of Norway. This cruise is called “the most beautiful voyage in the world.” While the weather was overcast much of the time, on the last day the skies cleared and we were able to see the Midnight Sun. It was a wonderful journey, but it’s good to be home. And now, looking back on those three weeks, I realize that the journey has changed me and enriched my understanding of the world.

We’ve been on a journey through the book of Acts this summer. We call it, “Traveling with the Spirit.” The book of Acts is all about travel. It was travel that changed the world, and it was travel that changed the Church. In the very first chapter of Acts, Jesus gave his followers a mission: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In today’s reading from Acts 13, we see the church doing precisely that, starting to journey to the ends of the earth. But it’s not like the early church was following some strategic plan. Our reading tells us that it was the Holy Spirit who was in charge. The Holy Spirit prodded them to leave home and travel. “While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” This was the first of three missionary journeys described in the book of Acts. 

Have you ever left home to travel to a new place? I remember as a high school senior traveling from my home in Los Angeles to San Diego for a Lutheran Youth Gathering. I was a bit scared and reluctant to go, but that trip absolutely changed my life. My faith grew and deepened and became much more personal. Looking back on that moment, I wonder how different life would have been if I had refused to go on that trip and chosen to stay in my familiar comfort zone? And just today, six of our high school youth with Pastor Amy and our Youth Director Kelli Gapinski and 300 youth from the Northeastern Iowa Synod will attend a three-day Boundless Youth Gathering. How will lives be changed? What new doors will be opened for each of them?

Some of you know the writing of J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Perhaps you’ve read the books or seen the movies. What many don’t know is that J. R. R. Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic. He wrote his stories to be metaphors of the Christian story. When you dig deep, you can see how Tolkien weaves his Christian faith into the plot. Tolkien began by writing The Hobbit. At the beginning of the story, Gandalf the Wizard, invites Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit, to go on an adventure. Bilbo was at first quite reluctant to go anywhere. Bilbo says this about adventures: “We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them…Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you.” But there was something that made Bilbo change his mind. And what an adventure it became. 

When I was growing up, the television show, Mission Impossible, was popular. Who didn’t love the stirring theme music by Lalo Schifrin. And somehow each week, the impossible mission was accomplished. In Baptism, you and I are given a mission. We are joined together with other Christians “in God’s mission for the life of the world.” Our mission may push us out of our    comfort zone, and it most certainly will change us. God’s mission is to save the world, and God invites us to be a part of that mission. God promises to be with us and to give us strength for the work.

I want to share with you a story that was on Facebook recently. It was written by someone who had been in the youth group at the church I served in Sioux Falls. Chris is today a pastor in the ELCA and he wrote this story to honor a friend that had died recently. “Today, friends and family gathered to give thanks to God for the life of DeWayne Larson. DeWayne [and his family] lived next door to us when I was a kid. [Their son] Jeremy and I spent more time together over our growing up years than I’ve spent with anyone other than my family and my wife. The Larson’s are great friends and wonderful humans. The Larson family consistently invited me to church with them … I finally gave in and during the summer between my junior and senior year of high school I went on a youth mission trip to the southwest corner of Colorado with Jeremy. The trip changed my life. After spending much of my younger years avoiding church and giving up on faith (probably much to the dismay of my family), God smacked some sense into me and called me back like the prodigal son. I then spent time with other good humans at [church] … who recognized gifts for ministry in me and encouraged me to consider becoming a pastor. This was never on my radar until they gently nudged. So, I went to [Augustana University] and there discerned my call. The point of all this is that you never know where your invitation to church might lead. The Larson’s probably will never know the extent to which their persistent invitation to the kid next door changed his life. But it did.” I was on the mission trip with Chris. I saw the impact it had on all their lives.

Someone has said that evangelism is not something you go and do, but something you do as you go. Whether we travel to the ends of the earth or we stay at home, mission is a mindset of sharing God’s love with everyone we encounter. Our mission is simply to share the Good News of God’s love in Jesus Christ with everyone. The Good News is that God raised Jesus from the dead. Sins are forgiven and we are loved unconditionally. That Good News needs to be shared with everyone and for some of us, that will mean travel. 

Travel changed the early church. Travel is still changing the church today. Without travel we fall into the temptation of thinking that God loves us and people like us. But what we learn from the book of Acts is that travel opens us up to a bigger world than just our church, or our town, or our country. The Holy Spirit had to push the church to travel because travel helps us to see the world as God sees it. Travel shows us what an incredibly diverse world God has created with people of different races and languages, different religions and governments, and people with different sexual orientations. God loves them all because God’s mission is for the life of the world. That is the mission we share with all who are baptized. 

Blessed Be the Memory of Richard Dinger

Richard Dinger, age 103 of Decorah, IA, died on Friday, July 15, 2022, at Aase Haugen Senior Services in Decorah, IA.  It was Richard’s wish to donate his body to the University of Iowa Deeded Body Program for research.

Services are pending.  A full obituary will follow.

Helms Funeral Homes

Blessed be the memory of Richard Dinger.