Good Shepherd Updates Its Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Statement


On July 12, 2016, the Church Council voted to add the phrase “queer identifying” to the Good Shepherd RIC welcome statement. The word “queer” can be used as an umbrella term for the LGBTQ community and can also refer to an individual’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Some people choose this term because they feel like they do not fit into specific or normative identities. Because it has been used as a derogatory word in the past, some people do not like or use the word queer –it’s important to not use this word for those who haven’t used it for themselves. We use the phrase “queer-identifying” to recognize those who have reclaimed this word and choose to use it for themselves.  The updated RIC Welcome statement follows:

All are welcome at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. God makes no exceptions. In the spirit of Jesus Christ, we offer trust and respect to all, including those who may experience alienation, distrust, or rejection. We rely on the healing, unconditional love of God to shape our community in the name of the Good Shepherd. In keeping with our welcome, Good Shepherd is a Reconciling In Christ congregation, affirming our welcome to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer identifying persons to participate fully in the life of our congregation.

Good Shepherd became an RIC Congregation in 2007.

SignUpGenius Arrives!


SignUpGenius is an online tool for volunteer sign ups. It has recently
been implemented by our Administrative Assistant, Jenny, so that Good Shepherd members can sign up online to volunteer for Ministry Team responsibilities. Sign up sheets for Ministry Team responsibilities, located on the bulletin board in the corridor leading to the Fellowship Hall, are still in place as well. Names on the sign up sheets will be transferred to SignUpGenius by Jenny so  SignUpGenius will always be up to date.

SignUpGenius is posted on the Good Shepherd website <>  Go to the “Ministries” tab at the top of the home page. Click on the “Ministry Teams” link at the top of the pull-down menu. The link to SignUpGenius is located there. SignUpGenius will also send out reminders as needed for upcoming assignments.

Vacation Bible School Is Coming Up!


Vacation Bible School is coming up! Registration opens this week for Jonah and the Big Fish! On August 15 through 17th, from 5:00 to 7:30, we will be praying, playing, singing and practicing a play about Jonah. If you know any kids ages 5 to 12 who might like to join us, please invite them! You can register here or call the church office or ask one of the members of the Education Committee (that’s Megan, Heather and Anna) for more information. On the last night we are inviting adults to join us for the performance of our play, and an ice cream social. Thanks!

Audio of Pastor Amy’s Sermons Now Available


The audio version of Pastor Amy’s sermons is now available for
listening.  There are two options for accessing it.  The first is to go to the Good Shepherd Facebook page and click on Pr. Amy’s photo or the sermon title under her photo.  You must be signed up for Facebook in order to access this option.  The second is to go to the Good Shepherd website and click on the “Connect” tab at the top of the homepage.  Under that tab on the pull-down menu is a link to “Sermons.”  You can read the sermon text if you click on the date of the sermon.  You can listen to the sermon if you click on the word “audio” under the date of the sermon.

Jane Jakoubek to Preach, Sunday, July 17

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Congregation member Jane Jakoubek will preach on  Sunday, July 17, at Good Shepherd. Pastor Marion Pruitt-Jefferson will preside at the worship service. Jane received her PhD. in Psychology from the University of Arkansas.  She retired most recently from Monmouth College in Illinois where she had been a Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Psychology and also held the same positions at Hanover College in Indiana.  She was Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the Faculty at Luther College before that.  She recently completed a Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri.