This Week at Good Shepherd, November 7-13


imgresTuesday, November 8
9:30 a.m. – Anna Circle, Haldis Kaasa hosts
2:00 p.m. -Wellington Place Communion

Wednesday, November 9
7:30 a.m. – Men’s Breakfast
10:30 a.m. – Aase Haugen Communion
2:00 p.m. – Miriam/Ruth Circle, Carrie Solberg hosts
7:00 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal
8:00 p.m. – Band Rehearsal

Thursday, November 10
10:00 a.m. – Bible Study with Pastor Amy
12:00 p.m. – Communications Committee

Friday, November 11
2:00 p.m.- Worship & Music Committee

Sunday, November 13
8:45 a.m. – Choir and Band Rehearsal
9:30 a.m. – Worship with Holy Communion
10:30 a.m. – Fellowship Hour
10:45 a.m. – Sunday School/Adult Forum with Lutheran Services of Iowa
10:45 a.m.- New Member Orientation


Praying the News, “Psalms and Hymns” – November 2016

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PRAYING THE NEWS: Ways to pray before, during, and after

As people of faith, the watching, listening to, reading, and discussing the news offers us an opportunity to pray. Prayer is a positive, life-giving response to the news. Prayer lifts our concerns before God, asks for help and guidance, and helps us find a faithful response, no matter what the news presents.

Suggestions on ways to pray before, during, or after the news recently have been posted. Today some suggestions are posted about scripture passages and hymns that may be useful.

Psalm 23
Psalm 27
Psalm 34
Psalm 61
Psalm 121

Hymns:  All hymns are located in the hymnal, Evangelical Lutheran Worship, unless otherwise noted.

on trust:
Amazing Grace – 779
Lord of All Hopefulness – 765
When Peace Like a River – 785

on hope:
O God, Our Help in Ages Past – 632
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go – Lutheran Book of Worship 324
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name – 634
When Peace, Like a River – 785

on love:
Lord, Speak to Us, that We May Speak – 676
Jesus Calls Us; O’er the Tumult – 696

Offered by Jane Jakoubek, Good Shepherd Member and Spiritual Director

WELCA Soup Luncheon and Country Store, November 6


img_0499 img_0501Good Shepherd’s Women of the ELCA welcomes all to its annual Soup Luncheon and Country Store held in the church’s Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 6, from 10:30 – 1:00. A variety of soups, breads, and bars will be served. A freewill offering will be received. The Country Store will include price-as-marked Attic Treasures, baked goods, and Fair Trade organic coffee (whole bean, ground, and decaf) and teas (3 varieties).  Proceeds from the event will be distributed to support congregational, local area, and ELCA projects.

Praying the News, “After” – November 2016


PRAYING THE NEWS: Ways to pray before, during, and after

As people of faith, the watching, listening to, reading, and discussing the news offers us an opportunity to pray. Prayer is a positive, life-giving response to the news. Prayer lifts our concerns before God, asks for help and guidance, and helps us find a faithful response, no matter what the news presents.

Here are some suggestions on ways to pray after the news. Suggestions for ways to pray before and during the news were posted previously. Some suggestions about scripture passages and hymns that may be useful will be posted tomorrow.


Speak to God about your thoughts and feelings about the news. Ask for help with feelings like fear or anxiety or despair. Ask for forgiveness for moments when you felt hatred or judgment. Say thank you for the moments when you felt deep trust in God, hope, and love.

   God, forgive me for judging the woman in the story about the house. Help me to deepen my compassion for those in need.

   God, the news is making me feel frightened and helpless right now. Help me transform my fear in trust in you. Help me transform my sense of helplessness into compassion.

   God, thank you for the compassion I felt after hearing about the flooding.

Pray for one or more situations in the news. Commit to praying for it several times over the next 24 hours.

   God, hold the people of Haiti in your care as they recover from Hurricane Matthew. Help the rescue crews reach them with clean water, food, and shelter. Protect them from the spread of disease. Help people, congregations, organizations, and countries be generous in responding to their need.

Ask God for guidance for any response you might make to a story in the today’s news.

   Jesus, you were moved with compassion at the sight of people in need. Today as I read the news, I was deeply moved by the racial injustice in two stories. God, help me see what you are calling me to do here. Help me find concrete ways to help bring about your kingdom where mercy and justice roll down like a river (Amos 5:24). Guide me God; I am listening.

Praying the News, “During” – November 2016


PRAYING THE NEWS: Ways to pray before, during, and after

As people of faith, the watching, listening to, reading, and discussing the news offers us an opportunity to pray. Prayer is a positive, life-giving response to the news. Prayer lifts our concerns before God, asks for help and guidance, and helps us find a faithful response, no matter what the news presents.

Here are some suggestions on ways to pray during the news. Additional posts feature suggestions on ways to pray before or after the news. Suggestions about scripture passages and hymns that may be useful will also be posted.


During the news, watch for opportunities to thank God for moments of mercy, acts of justice or kindness, or beauty, awe, and creativity.

Thank you, God, for the relief workers who arrived so quickly.

   Praise God for this new law that increases support against human trafficking!

When the tragedies are reported, voice your prayer for God’s mercy.

As photos of damaged homes fill the screen, you turn immediately to prayer: Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy!

   As details of a bombing are relayed, you respond immediately with prayer: Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy!

When specific needs are described, offer a prayer immediately.

God, bring help quickly!

   God, protect this family!

Offered by Jane Jakoubek, Good Shepherd Member and Spiritual Director