Altar Guild

The Altar Guild at Good Shepherd is the designated lay group of women and men from the congregation charged with the preparation of the sanctuary for all worship settings. Members of the Altar Guild prepare for changes in the liturgical seasons and for all services held in the sanctuary including those of Holy Communion, Baptism, marriage, burial, confirmation, and festivals of the church year.

Work of the Altar Guild is guided by the pastors and the Altar Guild and Sacristy Handbook by Anita S. Stauffer. Wine, white grape juice, and gluten-free bread  prepared by members are served.   Egg-free wafers are also available.   Communion Bread Recipe 

The ceramic communion vessels pictured here were designed and created by member and professional potter George Lowe. They were dedicated as a gift to the congregation by the family in memory of longtime member Paul Solberg (1938-2017).   

Elizabeth Kaschins is the Altar Chair in 2025. Members volunteer each month to prepare and serve the Communion elements as well as bake Communion bread for each Sunday. In addition, Altar Guild prepares Communion service for pastors when they provide Communion at local care facilities.