Advent at Good Shepherd

This year we gather three Wednesdays for our midweek Advent services at 5:30 pm. We light all candles against the darkness of the world and proclaim: Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming soon.

The offering this year goes to ELCA World Hunger. This is the 50th Anniversary of ELCA World Hunger. For 50 years ECLA World Hunger has addressed causes of hunger and poverty around the world, in 63 countries including the U.S. About 30% of that money offering goes to hunger in the U.S. and 70% to hunger raging around the world. From health clinics to microloans, from food pantries to animal husbandry, from soup kitchens to advocacy, our hunger dollars push against the darkness and suffering of our hungry siblings all across the world. Living with under $2.15 a day, 700 million people are hungry and living in extreme poverty, including 18 million in the U.S. experiencing food insecurity.

Children & Youth Christmas Program: This year the program will be Sunday, December 15th at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary. All are invited to stay after for a simple sandwich/chips/juice/dessert meal in the Fellowship Hall.

Rehearsals for the Youth Christmas Program: Rehearsals joyfully began Sunday, November 24th – and there are 2 rehearsals remaining on Sunday, December 8th and Sunday December 15th. If you and your youth haven’t reached out to get involved yet, please do so to Bobby & Christy Vrtis for the Program, and Brooke Joyce for Music.

Simple Dinner Following Program: Help is requested in running the after program simple chips/sandwich/juice/cookies meal for the congregation. All food will be ordered and in the kitchen so helpers simply: put materials out on the serving table prior to the Program, help maintain the table during the Meal, and help tidy up after the Meal. The Sign-Up can be found on the website under “Sign-Ups” or in the Gathering Space.

Poinsettias for the Sanctuary: Altar Guild has arranged with Decorah’s The Country Garden for members to provide poinsettias for the Christmas season at $15.00 per plant. Orders, with payment, are to be placed through the Church Office no later than Sunday, December 15. Contact the church office via phone, email, or note or put your check in the offering plate to place your order.

  • Checks accompanying each order should be made payable to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, with Poinsettia in the memo line.
  • Plants may be given in honor, as memorials, or as a gift by including names with the order. Names will be included in bulletins. Please email, or print clearly the names of those you are dedicating the poinsettia for.
  • Red poinsettias wrapped in gold foil will be placed on the altar rail for services beginning Tuesday, December 24. You are welcome to remove your plant after the Christmas services, but no later than Saturday, January 4. Communion at the altar rail resumes on Sunday, January 5.

It’s a privilege and joy to be able to come together and sing against the darkness of the night and act against the suffering in this world. Come, Lord Jesus. Come soon!