Adult Forum, Sunday, November 4, 2018 – Stewardship Appeal Information

EMPOWER GOOD SHEPHERD: The People and The Place

Adult Forum on Sunday, November 4, will focus on the 2019 Stewardship Appeal.  Your generosity in 2018 has allowed us to connect the generations to God and to one another, equip people for service in God’s world, and embark on a multi-year project to make our building even more inviting. It’s exciting to see what happens when the people of God step forward in faith. God calls us to further this work in 2019. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, empowers us to share our gifts to deepen our worship, service and care of God’s creation.

During November we will have testimonies during worship and in an Adult Forum on Nov. 4. Stewardship Sunday is Nov. 18. We will place our Statements of Intent in front of the altar that day. Pledges may also be made online using the Online Pledge Form for 2019.  The form is also found under the Serve/Give tab on this website.