Saturday and Sunday, October 12 and 13 – Bill Deutsch, president of the board of the Decorah Community Free Clinic at First Lutheran Church, spoke to the congregations about the medical care and healing work of the volunteer health care professionals and staff. The Free Clinic is the recipient of the local outreach portion of Good Shepherd's 25th Anniversary Gift.
Saturday and Sunday, October 19 and 20 – Worshipers will remember Sunday, October 23, 1988, as the date of the first worship service in the almost-finished new sanctuary. On that day, the service began in the old sanctuary with the Order for the Disposition of a Sanctuary, thus ending almost 30 years of worship in that space. It was followed by the outdoor procession carrying the altar and its appointments from the old into the new addition and sanctuary.
Photos of the Disposition Rite and procession can be viewed below.

Disposition of old sanctuary in preparation for moving to the new, October 23, 1988

Procession carrying altar leaving old sanctuary.

Congregation processing from the old sanctuary to the new.

Altar and procession entering the new addition.

Pastor Paul Hasvold, 1974-1998.
Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27 – Confirmation – the Affirmation of Baptism – for Kalle Solberg will occur at the Sunday service. We also will remember the first Confirmations in the almost-finished sanctuary, Reformation Sunday, October 30, 1988. Members of the 1988 class are Jane Hover, Rose Knudsvig, Tobin Laursen, Scott Leake, Erich Morris, Jennifer Naslund, and Kerry Wuest.

L – R: Kerry Wuest, Erich Morris, Jennifer Naslund, Jane Hover, Pastor Paul Hasvold, Rose Knudsvig, Tobin Laursen, Scott Leake