Epiphany Service, Wednesday, January 6


On Wednesday, January 6, we will celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord at a service scheduled for 5:30 pm. This festival of Christ’s incarnation marks the manifestation of Christ to the whole world.  The coming of the magi to Bethlehem is reported in the gospel reading for this festival, Matthew 2:1-12.   Epiphany is the last day of the liturgical Christmas season, which is followed by the Time after Epiphany. The Epiphany season ends with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, February 10.

The liturgical color is white, a reminder that this is a festival of the light of Christ; it is the color of light, gladness, and joy in Christ. We will have extra candles in the sanctuary to mark the event and emphasize Christ as the light of the world.  A potluck dinner in the Fellowship Hall will follow the service. A suggested Prayer of the Day from the ELCA is included below.

Prayer of the Day

Almighty and ever-living God, you revealed the incarnation of your Son by the brilliant shining of a star. Shine the light of your justice always in our hearts and over all lands, and accept our lives as the treasure we offer in your praise and for your service, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.