


Since its founding in 1958, Good Shepherd has had a long history of mission involvement and outreach.  

Collaborative Learning Site Partnership with Luther College:

At its February 2020 meeting, the Congregation Council voted to enter a partnership with Luther College to become a Collaborative Learning site for a Wartburg Seminary student who will serve both Good Shepherd and Luther College.  Collaborative Learning M. Div. is a program through Wartburg Seminary in which a student is based in a ministry setting for 4 years, doing ministry part time and going to school full time.  The Collaborative Learning program at Wartburg Seminary provides a way for students to go to seminary since Collaborative Learning students are paid 1/2 of a first call pastor’s salary.  The Luther College cabinet has also approved this plan.

Welcome Neighbors Picnic

Good Shepherd has been hosting the Welcome Neighbors Picnic since 2010. It is an outreach program designed to celebrate the community and provide an opportunity to get better acquainted with each other and with the congregational hosts. This “free” picnic highlights local food and music and provides activities specifically designed for children.   The picnic will be furloughed in 2021.  Instead a Jazz Concert will be offered in Phelps Park on August 27, 2021 at 7:00 pm with the Jon Ailabouni Quintet.  

Decorah Community Food Pantry  

Our congregation helps to support The Decorah Community Food Pantry located at 110 Railroad Street.

Decorah Community Meal

Since February 2012, people from all walks of life have gathered to enjoy a free meal together from 5-6:30 pm at various church sites around Decorah. Called the Decorah Community Meal, it is hosted twice a month, on the first and third Thursdays, by several Decorah faith groups.   Congregation member David Judisch is a member of the steering Committee.   

Decorah Area Faith Coalition

Good Shepherd participates in an interfaith coalition of local congregations serving the needs of the community. The coalition sponsors a weekly Free Health Clinic at First Lutheran Church, as well as other services.

Sharing Facilities

A big part of Good Shepherd’s outreach initiative is making our facilities available to numerous diverse community groups:

For information on how to share our facilities, please consult our Facilities Use Guidelines.